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"Old Steve," iron-faced, heavy jawed, and steady of eye, wore his Wall-street mask at this particular dinner; and he wore it as grimly as ever he did when encountering a financial storm or a threatened panic. He felt that he had more to conceal, just now, than any financial problem could ever compel him to face. He was no longer "dad."

Harry and I passed the greater part of the night walking the deck, and gazing at the thousand lights of the city. At sunrise, we warped into a berth at the foot of Wall-street, and knotted our old ship, stem and stern, to the pier. But that knotting of her, was the unknotting of the bonds of the sailors, among whom, it is a maxim, that the ship once fast to the wharf, they are free.

Let us rejoice that we have become more rational, and discarded all that folly, and are busying ourselves with rational affairs Wall-street, and cent per cent. and dividends. Having become men, we have put away childish things, and among them, the encumbrances of a heart. Who would have one?

"That's the Wall-Street Ferry to Brooklyn." "How long does it take to go across?" "Not more'n five minutes." "Suppose we just ride over and back." "All right!" said Dick. "It's rather expensive; but if you don't mind, I don't." "Why, how much does it cost?" "Two cents apiece." "I guess I can stand that. Let us go."

The lower part of Wall-street presented a busy mart-like appearance, every description of goods being piled heterogeneously before the warehouse-doors of their respective owners in the open thoroughfare, which is at this part very wide.

I answered nothing; but effectually dodging every one by the suddenness and rapidity of my flight, rushed from the building, ran up Wall-street towards Broadway, and jumping into the first omnibus was soon removed from pursuit.

You could hardly see the water, owing to the mist and vapor upon it; and every thing was so flat and calm, I almost thought we must have somehow got back to New York, and were lying at the foot of Wall-street again in a rainy twilight. The decks were dripping with wet, so that in the dense fog, it seemed as if we were standing on the roof of a house in a shower.

As for the world, there was nothing in it but that boat yonder which shot through the water, and the woman with eager face rowing swiftly toward him. There was not a Wall-street banker or a politician among Neckart's confrères who would not have looked upon him as insane for the moment. This dull wisp of a woman to blot out all business, power, place, from his life?

Chiffield bowed his gracious acknowledgment of the handsome historical allusion. "How is Erie, Mr. Chiffield?" "Looking up." "Sure of it?" "A leading Wall-street man told me, this afternoon, it would advance three per cent. this week. I have a slight interest in watching it," said Mr. Chiffield, smiling. "So have I," said Mr. Whedell, smiling also.

They were men whom he had known in his Wall-street epoch, and had always set down as good-enough friends in prosperity, but cold-shouldered creatures in an hour of trial. He was mistaken, as many men are mistaken, in judging the hearts of business men from their white and careworn faces. They came with warm hands, sympathetic words, and offers of bail money and other aid, if wanted.