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He was small, but wiry, and had evidently come prepared for business, as he had some overclothes under his arm and a pair of buckskin gloves. He was bashful and quiet, as boys usually are during their first experience away from home. The note read: "'DEAR MR. WAINRIGHT. This will be handed you by brother George. I hope you will be satisfied with him.

Toward the end of the month a crew was picked among the inmates of Ward 6 to man a construction camp a few miles to the north where the state was building a dam. Clancy was among the number, and Fordham and Wainright, junior. Monet was offered the choice of assisting Fred Starratt in the dining room or going out with the kitchen staff to camp. He chose the dining-room job.

Trent, who was still weak from his wound, I put in charge of the home-guard, with Owens, Phillips and Larson as his companions, and gave instructions to look for Barkhouse, in case he did not return. Wainright I took with me, and hailing a hack drove to the Palace Hotel. There was a rattle of wagons and a bustle of departing guests as we drove into the courtyard of the famous hostelry.

So we went back to the old road, as we went away Jim Wainright and Kid Reynolds and glad enough they were to get us again for the winter work. "Three years of indoor life had softened the wiry muscles of the Kid, and our engine was a hard steamer, so I did most of the work on the road.

"Winthrop no, Wetherson no, lemme see why, no no, Wainright; that's it, Wainright; J. E. Wainright." "Jim Wainright!" says I, "Jim Wainright! I haven't heard a word of him for years thought he was dead; but he's a young fellow compared to me." "Well, he don't look it," said Jack. After supper I went up to the hotel and asked for J. E. Wainright.

Well, father could not have that, either. He was impatient with the whole performance. Indeed, a less impatient man would have waited and watched Wainright, junior, wind himself in the net which his own hands had set.

The young man had occasionally spoken to her of his brother-officers; she remembered Poole, and Wainright, and Carter; the name of Elliott he had certainly not mentioned; but it was naturally of his own friends and companions he spoke, not of the field-officers.

I remember he wouldn't take a job running switcher said a man that didn't know that firing for Jim Wainright was a better job than running was crazy. What's become of him? Running, I suppose?" Jim Wainright put his hand up to his eyes for a minute, and his voice was a little husky as he said: "No, John, the Kid went away " "Went away?" "Yes, across the Great Divide dead."

J. E. Wainright appeared on the scene in tea-gown, train, and flounces. We furnished a neat little den, and I was happy. I missed my kid fireman, and did indeed have an Irishman. Kid had a struggle to wear petticoats again, and did not take kindly to dish-washing, but we were happy just the same.

Far better to pick out a hell for him ... a hell removed discreetly from the gaze of the scornful. ... And there was Wainright, who, like Monet, had a father. He had married a Runway Girl of the Bearcat Follies ... the sort that patters down from the stage to imprint carmine kisses and embarrassment upon the shining pate of the first old rounder that has an aisle seat.