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Not one smiling face peered forth from the pages of The Home Diadem. Lonely like a withered tree, What is all the world to me? Light and life were all in thee, Sweet Belle Mahone, wailed stalwart David and buxom Deborah, and ready tears moistened my tanned plump cheeks.

"Oh, I can't, I can't," said Mary, her tears flowing fast. "I won't tell a soul. I cross my heart I won't." Mary checked her sobs a little as she gave heed to the earnest promise. It was a relief to have Molly's comforting presence near by there in the dark. But in a moment her tears gushed forth again. "I want my mother, oh, I want my mother," she wailed. "Are you so homesick?

Seaforth lay amidst the packages, feeling blissfully drowsy as the warmth crept slowly into his aching limbs. Overhead the pine branches, wailed in wild harmonies, and the showers they shook down beat upon the tent. "It seems to me this journey might have begun better," said Alton presently. Seaforth nodded full concurrence. "It would be a little difficult to imagine it commencing very much worse.

Then the grasses laid down their tiny spears, and the dandelions bent their heads, and the locusts and the crickets and the grasshoppers called feebly, "Oh, little brook, cannot you get out of your bed and come this way?" "Our hearts are broken," cried the daisies. "We shall die," wailed the ragged-sailors.

How can I say that I turned from the real thing, the deepest, most beautiful thing in my life and hurt it, broke it, put it aside, so blind, so terribly blind I was and took the unreal thing? How can I ever forgive myself but, O Franklin, much, much more, how can you ever forgive me? her voice wailed up, claiming him supremely. She believed it to be the truth, and he saw that she believed it.

"No because they can take it out in cussing!" wailed the Kid. "I wouldn't cry either, if you'd let me swear all I want to!" Chip turned his back precipitately and his shoulders were seen to shake. The Little Doctor looked shocked. "I want Silver for my string!" cried the Kid, artfully transferring his appeal to the higher court.

A few minutes more and the last of the "ghost seiners" had left the house and were climbing into the automobiles in the yard. Marietta Hoag's voice was the last distinctly audible. "I can't help it," she wailed. "It wasn't my fault anyway. And and, besides, that Bangs man hadn't any right to say 'twas him I meant.... I mean the control meant. It wasn't him at all.... I mean I don't believe 'twas.

"Oh, I h-hate the old Kaiser, and I hate the old war, and I h-hate everything!" she wailed, rolling the handkerchief up into a miserable little ball. "Wh-what will we do when the b-boys are gone and we haven't anything to do, but just think of the time they'll be sent over to France to get k-killed?

"I'm going to get Grace and we can dance!" exclaimed Nan, for she and her chums did simple little dances at school. "I want to see the monkey!" wailed Freddie again. "There isn't any monkey," Bert said. "It isn't exactly a hand organ. It's one that works by steam, I imagine," he said. "It's part of the merry-go-round." "That's right.

This history, from which not the smallest particular or the least significant symptom of the case was omitted, occupied an hour in recital, and was told, as it seemed, for the entertainment of one who had been five minutes before it began a stranger to the historian. At last the train came to a stand, and Isabel wailed forth in accents of desperation the words, "O, disgusting!"