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"Be a good girl, Hazel, and let's get our feet on earth again. Sit down and put your arm around my neck and be my pal, like you used to be. We've got no business nursing these hard feelings. It's folly. I haven't committed any crime. I've only stood for a square deal. Come on; bury the hatchet, little person." "Let me go," she sobbed, struggling to be free. "I h-hate you!" "Please, little person.

"It is not your fe-feelings I care about; at least, I h-h-hope not; but I have been so unjust, and I prided myself so on my j-ju-justice." "Never mind!" "Oh! if you don't, I don't. I hate myself, so it is no wonder you h-hate me." "I love you more than ever." "Then you are a good soul! Of course you know I always I esteemed you, Richard." "No! I had an idea you despised me!" "How silly you are!

Convulsively her little teeth bit into her lower lip as she adjusted the telescope portion of the instrument for analyzing light reducing it to prismatic hues a little. And now, lo! a world brilliantly jaundiced her orange the snow being a wonderful reflector of the sun's divided rays. "Father! Father-r! I used to love Una Grosvenor. Now I h-hate her!

"Oh, I h-hate the old Kaiser, and I hate the old war, and I h-hate everything!" she wailed, rolling the handkerchief up into a miserable little ball. "Wh-what will we do when the b-boys are gone and we haven't anything to do, but just think of the time they'll be sent over to France to get k-killed?