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The friar sat him down in the shade of the willows and sighing, mopped his face again; quoth he: "Now may the curse of Saint Augustine, Saint Benedict, Saint Cuthbert and Saint Dominic light upon him for a lewd fellow, a clapper-claw, a thieving dog who hath no regard for Holy Church forsooth a most vicious rogue, monstrum nulla virtute redemptum a vitiis!"

They misquote thee, who veil a life of low intrigue with high-flown dicta borrowed from thy works. Thou art not of their sort, or, if it be indeed thee they seek to imitate, "Decipit exemplar vitiis imitabile." Thy faults have attracted them, not the virtues that redeem them. Shake thyself free of such, and with those who have loved much, and to whom much has been forgiven, go in peace!

If I had been born of a more irregular complexion, I am afraid I should have made scurvy work; for I never observed any great stability in my soul to resist passions, if they were never so little vehement: I know not how to nourish quarrels and debates in my own bosom, and, consequently, owe myself no great thanks that I am free from several vices: "Si vitiis mediocribus et mea paucis Mendosa est natura, alioqui recta, velut si Egregio inspersos reprehendas corpore naevos:"

De Republica Athenientium, by E. Poste, 1891; F. G. Kenyon, 1891; T. J. Dymes, 1891. De Virtutibus et Vitiis, by W. Bridgman, 1804.

In a word, we consider Miss Barrett to be a woman of undoubted genius and most unusual learning; but that she has indulged her inclination for themes of sublime mystery, not certainly without displaying great power, yet at the expense of that clearness, truth, and proportion, which are essential to beauty; and has most unfortunately fallen into the trammels of a school or manner of writing, which, of all that ever existed Lycophron, Lucan, and Gongora not forgotten is most open to the charge of being vitiis imitabile exemplar.

Having restored things to their former quiet state. Nullis experimentis. Undertaking no military expeditions. Or. Castrorum. Cf. 5, note. Comitate tenuit. "Retained the province by a popular manner of administering the government." Ky. Curandi. Ignoscere. Properly not to notice, hence to view with indulgence, to indulge in. Vitiis blandientibus.

Nevertheless, I would not wish to be an evil exemplar, vitiis imitabile, and I don't recommend you, dear boys, to do as I did. I have been quite abnormally fortunate. Well, we thought that we were casting the die of fate on a very subordinate matter, while, lo! it was cast for us by the Supernal Powers after a more far-reaching and over-ruling fashion.

When he dared to suggest that none of these maxims were intended to refer to the reader himself, but only to all other persons, he invited the reaction which led Huet, Bishop of Avranches, to appeal against the morality of the "Maximes," as suited only to the vices of wicked persons, "improborum hominum vitiis," and to issue a warning against the too-sweeping cynicism of Roccapucaldius, as he called the Duke.

Of this we possess considerable fragments, especially the account of the grammarians, and the lives of Terence, Horace, and Pliny. peri episaemon pornon, an account of those courtesans who had become renowned through their wit, beauty, or genius. De Vitiis Corporalibus, a list of bodily defects, written perhaps to supplement the medical works of Celsus and Scribonius Largus.

Yet Scaliger could confess to Salmasius how little satisfaction his emendations gave him. Illudunt nobis conjectureæ nostræ, quarum nos pudet, posteaquam in meliores codices incidimus. And Lipsius could complain, that criticks were making faults, by trying to remove them, Ut olim vitiis, ita nunc remediis laboratur.