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He assisted her to rise, and she took his arm, and they advanced to meet the whelp. He was idly beating the branches as he lounged along: or he stooped viciously to rip the moss from the trees with his stick. He was startled when they came upon him while he was engaged in this latter pastime, and his colour changed. 'Halloa! he stammered; 'I didn't know you were here.

Hannah wrung out the mop viciously and hung it over the sink. "I used to hope some respectable man would come along, but I've quit hopin'. I don't know as any respectable man would want Lise, or that I could honestly wish him to have her." "Mother!" protested Janet. Sometimes, in those conversations, she was somewhat paradoxically impelled to defend her sister.

"You shouldn't trouble yourself," Moe said shortly. "Why not?" Leon inquired. "Because, for all I care," Moe replied viciously, "you could fire 'em overboard. I would oser buy from you a button." "What's the matter?" Leon cried. "You know what's the matter," Moe continued. "You come every day into my stateroom and mock me yet because I am sick." "I mock you!" Leon exclaimed.

The tame crow fluttered from the tree with a squawk and straddled awkwardly to the stump, scaring the robin into flight, and beating an inky wing against Belinda's whiteness. Belinda hit back viciously, but Becky flew over her head, and by several well-delivered nips sent the white cat mewing to the shelter of her mistress' arms.

"As if this trouble about Reuben were not enough, there are worries in the city. Perhaps you have heard of them." I replied that Walter had mentioned the matter to me. "Yes," said Juliet rather viciously; "I am not quite clear as to what part that good gentleman has played in the matter.

If the Indians saw them coming precipitately, they might be equally precipitate in their flight, and thereby defeat the general's plans of having Tintop get in their rear, at which characteristic opinion Captain Canker, of the th, a man of many moods, but a fighter, turned gloomily away, and was heard soon afterwards swearing viciously.

Making fast, Paul returned to the mainland where he joined a rope to the line of the snare and gave the signal for his assistants on shore to pull away, at the same time pushing the captured lion off the rocks. It snapped viciously at him but did not bellow or make a noise, and was landed without disturbing the others.

"Look here," he said viciously, "you may as well drop those heroics. I am not talking at random. My wife was seen in your arms, in your rooms at the Milan Court, with her dressing case on the table, last night, by little Flossie Lane, your latest conquest in the musical comedy world. She spent the night at the Milan." "It's a lie!" Wingate declared, with cold fury.

A week before, as he was returning home from his evening walk, he had been overtaken at that very spot by his former housemaid, Agnia, who said to him viciously: "Wait a bit! I'll cook you such a crab that'll teach you to ruin innocent girls! I'll leave the baby at your door, and I'll have the law of you, and I'll tell your wife, too...."

"It won't be long before you'll be in it yourself," he said. Clay awoke early Friday morning to hear the shutters beating viciously against the side of the house, and the wind rushing through the palms, and the rain beating in splashes on the zinc roof. It did not come soothingly and in a steady downpour, but brokenly, like the rush of waves sweeping over a rough beach.