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Updated: August 7, 2024

FABRICIO. The standarde of the generall Capitaine oughte to have the armes of the Prince of the armie, all the other, maie have the verie same armes, and to varie with the fieldes, or to varie with the armes, as should seme beste to the Lorde of the armie: Bicause this importeth little, so that the effect growe, that thei be knowen the one from the other.

Ella after this battell sent into his countrie for more aid. But now touching Hengist, who as ye haue heard, reigned as king in the prouince of Kent, the writers of the English kings varie somewhat from the British histories, both in report of the battels by him fought against the Britains, and also for the maner of his death: as thus. Wil. Malm. Creiford. West.

There was formerly a pane of glass in one of the windows of this chateau, on which Francis the First had written the two following lines; Toute Femme varie, Mal Habil qui s'y fie. This glass is now lost, and I transcribe the verses from a detailed description of this chateau published at Paris. The castle has been deserted since the death of Louis the Fourteenth.

She wished she had never heard of Felix Kennaston. Souvent femme varie, my brothers. However, "Yes," said Margaret.. "You are a dear," said Mr. Kennaston, with conviction in his voice. I dare say Margaret was surprised. But the poet had taken her hand and had kissed it reverently, and then sat down beside her, twisting one foot under him in a fashion he had.

As he had begun he must continue, and hug, for comfort, the old proverb, Femme souvent varie. That she was already beginning to change he could scarcely hope; yet, when he saw on this morning that she meant to abide his coming, he was elated secretly and absurdly elated. She was at the window, but she turned on hearing his step. "I am wishing to speak to you," she said.

'Understandings' and private engagements are the root of all evil!" "I'm blest if I know what you're driving at!" he flashed out, his temper rising. But she only laughed her tinkling laugh and shook her riding-whip at him. "Souvent femme varie! Have you ever heard that, you blessed innocent? And the general impression is there's already been one private engagement if not more.

Souvent femme varie! Just now you seemed so anxious, besides, if one belongs to the Cause one knows what to expect." Emile strolled towards the uncomfortable piece of furniture by the window, that purported to be an armchair, and sat down. "I loathe the Cause! I didn't belong to it from choice. Why did you make me join?" "Because I thought you would be useful.

For thou shalt finde, that as well those which were accounted wise in auncient times, as such as were imitators of their sect, do varie and disagree therein; some do resolutlie beleeve that the gods have no care of man's beginning or ending; no, not of man at all.

It is conveniente also to those, that be besieged, to take heede of the deceiptes, and of the policies of the enemie, and therefore the besieged ought not to truste to any thyng, whiche thei see the enemie dooe continually, but let theim beleve alwaies, that it is under deceipte, and that he can to their hurte varie it.

Haec liberalis animi oblectamenta: Quam nullo illi labore constiterint, Facile ii perspexere, quibus usus est Amici; Apud quos Urbanitatem et Leporum plenus Cum ad rem, quaecunque forte inciderat, Apte varie copioseque alluderet, Interea nihil quaesitum, nihil vi expressum Videbatur, Sed omnia ultro effluere, Et quasi jugi e foote affatim exuberare, Ita suos tandem dubios reliquit, Essetne in Scriptis, Poeta Elegantior, An in Convictu, Comes Jocundior.

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