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By the time that them there hurricanes was over the ships was not much better nor wrecks, and 'twas useless to think o' makin' the v'yage home in 'em in that condition, so our admiral made the signal to bear up and run for San Juan de Ulua.

And as to `dunnage', why, I dare say I can make out pretty well durin' the v'yage by helpin' myself from the chests I shall find in the fo'c's'le." "Very well, then," said I, "you may come, Saunders, and welcome. Now, Miss Hartley, step in, please, and sit down while Gurney and I shove off. In with that box though, Gurney; we must not leave that behind.

"The motion's denied," announced Mr. Gibney firmly. "Now, looky here, Gib, that ain't fair. Didn't you fight Tabu-Tabu an' didn't Scraggsy fight the king o' Kandavu? I ain't had no fightin' this entire v'yage an' I did cal'late to lick that doggone mate." "Mac, it can't be done nohow." "Oh, it can't, eh? Well, I'll just bet you two boys my interest in the syndicate "

"'Sam, said Abner, when they were on the road, 'the trouble with you is, you're too quick. If you was at the tiller you'd run into the fust port you come to, and there wouldn't be no v'yage at all. "'There's no knowin' when a fellow may want to run into port, replied Sam, 'and it's a good thing to find out all about them as you're coastin' along.

On a v'yage like that across the plains, folks has themselves to attend to, and plenty to do both on the march and in camp, so no one troubles about any one else's business.

She nussed me a spell when he was a little feller, an' jest arter she went away we missed the whistle. Your father he brought that hum the same v'yage I told ye he brought the blue crape. He knowed I was a expectin' to be sick, and he was drefful afraid he wouldn't get hum in time; but he did.

"Well," he observed, as he took his hat from the table on which he had thrown it, "I'll keep a sharp eye out for that windlass and see that it is shipped to you the minute it reaches us from the factory." "All right," responded the captain, rising to his feet. "I'll be lookin' for it. I wouldn't dare risk the old one fur another v'yage."

"Not a doubt ov it," replied the Irishman, stoutly, "and going good siven knots an hour by the log, too, at that! I rec'lect that v'yage o' mine in that schooner well, too, by the same token! It was there I found that Manilla guernsey ov mine so handy ag'in' the could." "A Manilla guernsey?" said Jorrocks, in much amazement.

"When we do that, Sammy," said Captain Jim, "then I'll truly believe I'm on a v'yage!"

Tilda took a turn at considering. "The further I go on this v'yage," she announced, "w'ich, per'aps, 'twould be truthfuller to say the longer it takes the more I seems to get mixed up in other folks' business. But you've done me a good turn, Sam Bossom; an' you've been open with me; an' I reckon I got to keep you straight in this 'ere. There! put up yer verses while I sit an' think it out."