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Sure, whin I'm lonely at night I think up new fairy tales to tell to the childhren whin I come home from a v'yage." So that was the Irish of it! Strangely enough it did not occur to the practical German that an individual with an imagination like that, on such an expedition as the present, was the most dangerous person imaginable to be given the freedom of the ship.

'Anyhow, he's signed for the v'yage already. He's Susannah Debs's steady, and they're off buggy ridin' together right now. And if she catches you makin' eyes at her best feller Whew! "Didn't make no difference. He was her Butler, sure. 'Twas Fate that's what 'twas Fate, just the same as in storybooks.

Again the always husky voice broke, and the white apron was turned into a handkerchief for the nonce. "Now you are going to lose them, you say?" "Yes'm. They're to ship with their father for the long cruise that is, I s'pose I oughter say they're a-goin with him on the long v'yage to Ingy." "I presume he gets lonely for them too, poor man!"

When we got aboard, their hold was full of dead men an' their scuppers washin' red. They asked no quarter an' on we went, up an' down decks, give an' take. At the last, six men o' them surrendered. The rest eighty from the one ship we fed to the sharks before we could swab decks next day. Eh, but that was a v'yage, an' it cost the seas more good buccaneers than ever was hanged.

Hamilton, here is, I wouldn't have made that mistake, would I? Come on, let's you and me go find David and break the news to him. Say, he'll be some surprised to find he's booked for a foreign v'yage, won't he? Come on, we'll go find him." Mary-'Gusta slowly rose from Mr. Hamilton's knee. She regarded the Captain steadily for a moment; then, hand in hand, they left the barn together.

Sich a tiresome v'yage, too, as it must ha' been from Plymouth, i' this weather! I dunno how we came to forget to invite en nigher the hearth. Well, as I was a-sayin' " He stopped to search for his hat beneath the settle. Producing a large crimson handkerchief from the crown, he mopped his brow slowly. "The cur'ous part o't, naybours, is the sweatiness that comes over a man, this close weather."

About the same time Reuben Guff made proposals to him to join him on a second "v'yage of diskivery." The Indian agreed; got married off-hand, and took his bride along with him. We now find them all four at the Lake of the Hills. It may be as well to observe, in passing, that Indian brides are usually more robust than those of civilised communities.

"Good-bye, my laddie, and good luck to the Esmeralda on her v'yage. Cap'en Billings, remember the b'y!" "Aye, aye, my hearty, so I will," shouted out the skipper, cordially. "Good luck to you, Pengelly!" and then the pilot made in for the land, and the ship's yards were squared.

"I'll be darned if yew will, though, stranger!" he snapped. "No, sirree; not much, I don't think! Why, yew're even more ignorant than I thought yew was, and I must teach ye another little bit of yewr business. Why, yew goldarned Britisher, d'ye know that yew haven't got no right at all to stop me from pursooin' my v'yage, or to demand a sight o' my papers?

At length the Captain again addressed him. "Perez ever tell you 'bout our fust v'yage? Never did, hey? Well, I will. Him and me run away to sea together, you know." And then Captain Eri began a tale that caused the cold shivers to chase themselves from Josiah's big toe to the longest hair on his head.