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"At present," said Donovan, "you're also engaged by Mr. Steinwitz." "Not by Mr. Steinwitz, sir, if you'll excuse my correcting you. By the Emperor." Gorman groaned deeply. Smith turned to him, solicitous, anxious to be of use. "Beg pardon, sir, can I do anything for you, sir? Anything wrong, sir?" "No," said Gorman, "no. The mention of the Emperor upsets me a little. That's all.

I want to know how being so crude in your mountains, in your deserts, in your seas, you appear nevertheless so industrious in your animals, in your vegetables? NATURE: My poor child do you want me to tell you the truth? It is that I have been given a name which does not suit me; my name is "Nature", and I am all art. THE PHILOSOPHER: That word upsets all my ideas. What! nature is only art?

By this, 'twas near dark, bitter cold, and his pretence to read mere fondness: yet he persevered though with longer glances at the casement above, where the din at times was fit to wake the dead. And now one of the dicers upsets his chair with a curse, and gets on his feet.

Olaf with a signal of "All hands," works his two capstans; has the cable up high enough at the right moment, catches with it the keel of poor Hakon's barge, upsets it, empties it wholly into the sea. Wholly into the sea; saves Hakon, however, and his people from drowning, and brings them on board. His dialogue with poor young Hakon, especially poor young Hakon's responses, is very pretty.

When the offence is over and done with, it is condoned by the common want of logic; for this merciful provision of nature, this buffer against collisions, this friction which upsets our calculations but without which existence would be intolerable, this crowning glory of human invention whereby we can be blind and see at one and the same moment, this blessed inconsistency, exists here as elsewhere; and though the strictest writers on morality have maintained that it is wicked for a woman to have children at all, inasmuch as it is wrong to be out of health that good may come, yet the necessity of the case has caused a general feeling in favour of passing over such events in silence, and of assuming their non- existence except in such flagrant cases as force themselves on the public notice.

For a long time I could not get to sleep, and kept turning from side to side. 'Confound this foolishness about table-turning! I thought. 'It simply upsets one's nerves.... Drowsiness began to overtake me at last.... Suddenly it seemed to me as though there were the faint and plaintive sound of a harp-string in the room. I raised my head.

You made poor Cousin Egbert and Jeff Tuttle act like beasts, and now nothing will satisfy you but that Charles should roll in the gutter. Such dissipated talk I never did hear, and poor Charles rarely taking anything but a single glass of wine, it upsets him so; even our reception punch he finds too stimulating!"

But, except in cases where experiment has proved his intervention to be beneficial, the less he upsets the balance of Nature the better, even when he tries to be an earthly Providence. In itself a sanctuary is a kind of wild "zoo," on a gigantic scale and under ideal conditions. As such, it appeals to everyone interested in animals, from the greatest zoologist to the mere holiday tourist.

And so in the moral natures of men, subtle forces eat their way silently and imperceptibly to the very center. A summer breeze overthrows the tree, the foot of a child sets the wall tottering; a whisper, a smile, even the sight of a serpent, is the jar that upsets the equilibrium of a soul. The Quaker rose from his seat in a fever of excitement.

Then turning on his chair; "Any news at home?" "Nothing much. Only my wife was a little moved this afternoon. You know women a nothing upsets them, especially my wife. And we should be wrong to object to that, since their nervous organization is much more malleable than ours." "Poor Leon!" said Charles. "How will he live at Paris? Will he get used to it?" Madame Bovary sighed.