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It assumes, furthermore, that it actually is understood by the legislators and judges who make and interpret the written law. It also assumes that the people must understand the natural law, before they can understated the written law.

Being the youngest and most active member of the commission, I was detailed to accompany him. On this trip I became convinced that all of the engineers interested, except the consulting engineer, had grossly understated the difficulties which must be overcome before the road could be completed.

'The terms are quite satisfactory. Presently she heard the instrument again, and emerging from the next room in which she had passed the intervening time as before, she read: 'Miss Barbara Bell's terms were accidentally understated. They would be forty guineas, in consequence of the distance. Am waiting at the office for a reply. Paula set to work as before and replied:

It seemed like an initiation into a secret society whose ritual he must guess at step by step. "Right, Goodman Mikhyl." They lifted their glasses to each other and drank; Goodman Mikhyl offered cigars, and Goodman Lucas held a light for him. "I hear a few hard things about your trade, Goodman Lucas." "All true, and mostly understated.

McKee says, "17 men killed"; evidently he either wilfully understated the truth, or else referred only to the particular tribes with which he was associated. La Mothe says, "they have lost twenty-five people amongst different nations," but as he was only speaking of the Upper Lake Indians, it may be that the total Indian loss was 25 plus 17, or 42.

Paret," she replied simply, and I knew that she had understated. It was quite apparent that Krebs had captivated her. I tried not to betray my annoyance. "Was there a good audience?" I asked. "Yes," she said. "How many do you think?" She hesitated. "It isn't a very large hall, you know. I should say it would hold about eight hundred people." "And it was full?" I persisted.

"It may take a little longer; if it does, you and Dalla can transpose to Police Terminal and take a rocket for Zarabar Equivalent, and transpose from there to Passenger Sixteen. It would save time if you brought Dalla with you to Headquarters." "Dalla won't like this," Vall understated. "No. I'm afraid not."

Your sentiments concerning them approach your sentiments concerning a "rattling good story" in a magazine. I may have exaggerated or, on the other hand, I may have understated the unsatisfactory characteristics of your particular case, but it is probable that in the mirror I hold up you recognise the rough outlines of your likeness. You do not care to admit it; but it is so.

A friend of mine pointed out to one of its members this discrepancy, when he replied that the Government had purposely understated their resources at first. This may be all very fair in war, but it prevents a reasonable person placing the slightest confidence in anything official. Dr.

When Lumley suggested that he use the telephone and avoid the walk, Charley merely smiled. "I don't mind it," he said. "I'd like to see myself walk that distance for any such fool errand," growled the ranger. When Charley had said he didn't mind the walk he had told the truth. Yet he had understated it. The fact was that he hugely enjoyed the walk.