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"But," said Zulu, "kin you cook a 'tater widout makin' him's outside all of a mush, an' him's inside same so as a stone?" Instead of answering, Billy sat down on the settle which ran round the cabin and looked up at his dark friend very solemnly. "Hallo!" exclaimed Zulu. "There there's something wrong wi' me," said Billy, with a faint attempt to smile as he became rather pale.

I dubbed this pig Belial; a name that Bob promptly adapted to his own notion by calling it Be-liar. "That Be-liar," swore he, "would cross hell on a rotten rail to git into my 'tater patch!" Finally I could stand it no longer, and took down my rifle. It was a nail-driver, and I, through constant practice in beheading squirrels, was in good form.

"Vy, there's one of them ere midshipmites has thrown a red hot tater out of the stern-port, and hit our officer in the eye." "Report him to the commissioner, Mr Wiggins; and oblige me by under-running the guess-warp. Tell Mr Simkins, with my compliments, to coil away upon the jetty. Side her over, side her over, gentlemen, if you please."

"That I ain't, only at bugle-time, when one blows `soup and tater' for breakfast or dinner. I say, do you know what the cavalry chaps say the trumpet call is for stables?" "No," said Pen quietly; and then to humour his companion he tried to smile again, as the boy said, "Oh, I know lots of them! This is what the trumpet says for the morning call:

An' he's got th' prettiest little ol' face; all red an' white, an' as round's a walnut; an' a fringe of th' whitest hair you ever seed. An' clothes! Say, men." In the pause the speaker deliberately relieved his overcharged mouth. The two in the mill waited breathlessly. "Long tailed coat, stove pipe hat, an' cane with a gold head as big as a 'tater.

The top horse of the string was Bill Shea's Dynamite, according to Bill Shea. There were Dusty, Shorty, Sally Goodwin, Buffalo Tom, Chalk-Eye, Comet, and Swapping Tater Swapping Tater being a pacer who, when he hit the ground, swapped feet. Bob had Sister Sarah. At last, everything was ready. The pack-train got slowly under way.

She knew lots more "song-ballets," she said shyly, and the old man had her sing some songs that were rather rude, but were as innocent as hymns from her lips. Everywhere he found unlimited hospitality. "Take out, stranger," said one old fellow, when there was nothing on the table but some bread and a few potatoes, "have a tater. Take two of 'em take damn nigh ALL of 'em."

I had my head shot off at Bueny Visty, and the new one that growed on isn't nigh so good as the old one; it's tater on one side . That's why they take advantage of me to shut me up. But I know some things. My head is tater on one side, but it's all right on t'other. And when I know a thing in the left side of my head, I know it. Lean down here. Let me tell you something out of the left side.

Go in the kitchen an' spread a clean tablecloth, an' git out that 'tater pone, an' a pitcher o' that las' kag o' persimmon beer, an' let John take a bite an' a sip." Warwick smiled at the mention of these homely dainties. "I thought of your sweet-potato pone at the hotel to-day, when I was at dinner, and wondered if you'd have some in the house.

"Will ye come to yer supper, Dick? I ha' got a slice o' ham an' a hot tater for ye. Come along." "Well, I don't know as I mind jest to please you, Liza. I believe I ha' been asleep in grannie's cheer there, her a playin' an' a singin', I make no doubt, like a werry nightingerl, bless her, an' me a snorin' all to myself, like a runaway locomotive!