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But after that " He stared, glaring, at the heavy tungsten dome with its heavy tungsten contacts, across which the flame of released atomic energy was supposed to have leapt. "That was probably the flattest flop any experiment ever flopped." "Well it didn't blow up. That's one comfort," suggested Devin. "I wish it had. Then at least it would have shown some response.

Lieutenant Adams, however, had other matters to occupy his attention. There was a genuine puzzle for him in the corridor. It was one of the lights that illuminated the corridor. Now one of these tungsten bulbs, when struck smartly, explodes with a report like that of a pistol. At this hour of the night, however, there were none passing save Naval officers on duty.

From one of the preceding items it will be noted that even in the eighties Edison perceived much advantage to be gained in the line of economy by the use of lamp filaments employing refractory metals in their construction. From another caveat, filed in 1889, we extract the following, which shows that he realized the value of tungsten also for this purpose.

It was far stronger than iron stronger than tungsten, the strongest metal heretofore known. It was twice as strong as the Earth's strongest metal! Fuller whistled in awe. "No wonder they can make a plane like that when they have such a metal to work with." The designing engineer had visions of a machine after his own heart one in which half the weight was not employed in holding it together!

The price of tungsten leapt from forty dollars a unit to sixty and sixty-five, and rival buyers clamored for his ore; the mills treated it for almost nothing in order to get control of it and his credit was A1 at the bank but when he passed Virginia she turned her face away and his heart turned heavy as lead. It was the price of success, and Wiley recognized it, but he rebelled against his fate.

Iron ore, tin, copper and tungsten are extracted from the earth, refined, put to some use or wasted as the case may be, but they are gone. They may be replaced by other minerals. Through geological ages they may redeposited in the earth's crust. But to all intents and purposes, they are finished.

The atoms in the crystal lattice of the tungsten appeared on the fluorescent screen as points of light, arranged in geometric pattern. Against this crystal cube of light the bombarding molecules of air could be observed as dancing points of light, similar to points of sunlight shimmering on moving waters. . . . "The principle of the electron microscope was first discovered in 1927 by Drs.

It would pay in ingots of irridium and uranium and tungsten, and gold if Weald wished it, for all damages Weald might claim. It would even pay indemnity for the miners of Orede, who had died by accident but perhaps in some sense through its fault. It would pay. But if it were bombed, Weald must spout atomic fire and the fleet of Weald would have no home planet to return to.

Above him the stars shone out clean and cold, a million of them in the dry, desert air; and in the east the half moon rose up slowly above Gold Hill, where the wealth of ages lay hid. It had given up its gold but his hand had struck the blow that would open up its treasure vaults of tungsten. All it needed now was watchfulness and patience.

"Just load on that white stuff," he explained to the muckers and there was a general rush for the dump. "What did you say that stuff was?" inquired Death Valley Charley, after a hasty look at his specimen; and Keno awaited the answer, breathless. "Why, that's scheelite, Charley," replied Wiley confidentially, "and it runs about sixty per cent tungsten.