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One set of muscles raises the ribs in inspiration, another set lowers them in expiration; one group flexes the fingers and clenches the fist, an opposed set extends the fingers and opens the hand. Muscular opposition does not imply that the entire structure is made up of parallel pairs of muscles, like the biceps and triceps, located on opposite sides of the same bone.

His limbs were not very large, nor his shoulders remarkably broad; but if you knew as much of the muscles as all persons who look at statues and pictures with a critical eye ought to have learned, if you knew the trapezius, lying diamond-shaped over the back and shoulders like a monk's cowl, or the deltoid, which caps the shoulder like an epaulette, or the triceps, which furnishes the calf of the upper arm, or the hard-knotted biceps, any of the great sculptural landmarks, in fact, you would have said there was a pretty show of them, beneath the white satiny skin of Mr.

"Not now not now!" Allan had to cede. And now presently there he knelt on the fine white sand, his bearskin robe opened and flung back, his well-knit shoulder and sinewed arm bare and brown. "Well, is it fatal?" he jested. "How long do you give me to survive it?" as with her hand and the cold limpid water of the Hudson she started to lave the caked blood away from his gashed triceps.

Patients are best given a long rest at pasture and returned to work for two or three months after an acute attack of inflammation of the bursa, lest the condition become chronic. When due consideration is given the pathology of such cases, the frequent unsatisfactory termination under the most careful treatment, is readily understood. Contusions of the Triceps Brachii. Anatomy.

The triceps brachii is the principal structure which fills the space between the posterior border of the scapula and the humerus. The several heads originate for the most part on the border of the scapula, the deltoid tuberosity of the humerus and the shaft of the humerus. Insertion of this large muscular mass is effected by means of several tendons to the olecranon.

The triceps group because of its convenient location, constitutes the site for hypodermic injection of drugs and biologic agents, with some practitioners; and as a result, more or less inflammation may occur.

As the triceps brachii is not particularly taxed during weight bearing in the subject at rest, there may be no unnatural position assumed during inflammation of the triceps.

Transverse fractures do not readily unite because of the tension of the triceps muscles, which prevent close approximation of the broken ends of the bone. Thompson , however, reports a case of transverse simple fracture of the ulna in a mare, the result of a kick, in which complete recovery took place. He kept the subject in a sling for six weeks and then allowed six months rest. Symptomatology.

The author has observed and treated some twenty cases where an intensely painful infectious inflammation of the triceps brachii was caused by the intramuscular injection of a caustic solution by a cruel and unscrupulous empiric, whose object was to increase his practice. Symptomatology.

It may be advisable to displace the liberated nerve from its original position so as to minimise the risk of its incorporation in the scar of the original wound or in that resulting from the operation for example, the radial nerve may be buried in the substance of the triceps, or it may be surrounded by a segment of vein or portion of fat-bearing fascia.