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Country practitioners, in restraining colts by casting with harness or ropes, occasionally observe a form of paresis wherein the radial nerve suffers sufficient injury that there is caused a temporary loss of function of the triceps brachii.

Let us now consider the meaning of throat stiffness as a feature of incorrect tone-production. First, what is muscular stiffness? All the voluntary muscles of the body are arranged in opposed pairs, sets, or groups. A typical pair of opposed muscles are the biceps and triceps of the upper arm.

If the lesion is high up, as it is, for example, in crutch paralysis, the triceps and anconeus may also suffer. Treatment. The slighter forms of injury by compression recover under massage, douching, and electricity.

With a book on her lap, and her own round white arm going through all manner of queer evolutions, she was placidly repeating, "Deltoides, Biceps, Triceps, Pronator, Supinator, Palmanis, Flexor carpi ulnaris "

No difficulty is ordinarily experienced in differentiating radial paralysis from muscular injuries to the triceps; yet, in some cases of "dropped elbow," it is necessary to observe the progress of the case for ten days or two weeks before one can positively establish a diagnosis.

Suppose the biceps and triceps, for example, each to be contracted with five units of strength; then let some work be performed by the flexing of the forearm, requiring the exertion of two units of strength. In this case the biceps must exert two units of strength more than the triceps, that is, seven units.

The movement of rejection uses muscles that oppose the movement of acquirement; e. g., one uses the triceps and the other the biceps, muscles situated in opposite sides of the upper arm and having antagonistic action. In order for triceps to act, biceps must be inhibited from action, and in that inhibition is a fundamental function of the organism.

There being loss of function of the triceps brachii, it is impossible for the subject to straighten the leg in the normal position for supporting weight; therefore, any attempt to bear weight results in further flexion of the affected member and the animal will fall if the body is not suddenly caught up with the sound leg. Differential Diagnosis.

The radial nerve supplies branches to the three heads of the triceps brachii, to the common and lateral extensors of the digit and also to the skin covering the forearm. Etiology and Occurrence. Nothing definite is known about the cause of some forms of radial paralysis.

Contraction of the biceps flexes the forearm at the elbow; the contrary movement, extending the forearm, results from the contraction of the triceps. This principle of opposition applies to the entire muscular system.