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"Breave for all y'r worf," grunted Hawker, as he mightily swung a big bath-towel in swift eddies, to drive refreshing air upon the heaving, panting body of his principal. Bear and Goate applied massaging hands with skilled violence. "By Jove, I thought you had him," panted Goate as he kneaded triceps and biceps. "And then I thought he had you.

The right humerus was broken at the middle, the end of the upper fragment piercing the triceps, and almost protruding through the skin. One or more of the middle ribs on the right side were broken near the angle, and there was a large transverse rent in the quadriceps extensor.

More or less swelling and supersensitiveness is always present, however, and great care and discrimination must be exercised in digital manipulation of the triceps region because many animals are normally sensitive to palpation of these parts. It is sometimes difficult to correctly interpret the true state of conditions because of this peculiarity.

A synovial bursa is situated underneath the tendinous attachment of the posterior portion of the triceps brachii the long head or caput magnum. The function of the triceps as a whole is to flex the shoulder joint and extend the forearm. The triceps brachii is the chief antagonist of the biceps brachii. Etiology and Occurrence.

From this wound several tags of muscle were hanging, and among them was One consisting of about three inches of the triceps in almost Its entire thickness; while the lower fragment of the bone, which was broken high up, was protruding four inches and a half, stripped of muscle, the skin being tucked in under it.

Of the upper arm: The biceps on the front side, the triceps behind, and the deltoid at the upper part of the arm beyond the projection of the shoulder. Of the hand: The adductor pollicis between the thumb and the palm.

But Cheever's traditions did not incline to such methods. He had the fisting habit. He did not feel called toward clinching or choking, twisting, tripping, knifing, swording, or sandbagging. His wrath expressed itself, and gaily, in the play of the triceps muscle. For mobility he used footwork and headwork.

In the first instance, recovery when proper attention is given, is prompt; whereas, in the latter, regeneration of the wasted tissues requires months in spite of the best sort of treatment. But in some cases the triceps group is involved; however, this occurs in unusual and chronic affections. Occurrence.

I assure you that I individually should be delighted another time to make your acquaintance, since I observe in you a phenomenal development of the muscles, biceps, triceps and deltoid, so that, as a sculptor, I should esteem it a genuine happiness to have you for a model; but on this occasion kindly leave us alone.

How do the muscles of the limbs act for you? 9. Where are the biceps and triceps muscles? Explain their use. 10. What are tendons? How is your arm fastened to your body? 12. Describe the arrangement of the muscles in the lower limb. Why are they larger than the arm-muscles? 13. How does exercising the muscles give you an appetite? What else does it do? 14. Why do you naturally love to play? 15.