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If the left arm be raised to a vertical position and dropped to a horizontal, somewhat vigorously, the tapering ends of the pectoralis major and the tendons of the biceps and deltoid may be felt by pressing the parts in the axilla between the fingers and thumb of the right hand. The action of its antagonist, the triceps, may be studied in the same manner.

His limbs were not very large, nor his shoulders remarkably broad; but if you knew as much of the muscles as all persons who look at statues and pictures with a critical eye ought to have learned, if you knew the trapezius, lying diamond-shaped over the back and shoulders like a monk's cowl, or the deltoid, which caps the shoulder like an epaulette, or the triceps, which furnishes the calf of the upper arm, or the hard-knotted biceps, any of the great sculptural landmarks, in fact, you would have said there was a pretty show of them, beneath the white satiny skin of Mr.

Thus the biceps serves as one of the antagonists to the triceps, and the various flexors and extensors of the limbs are antagonistic to one another. The Tendons. The muscles which move the bones by their contraction taper for the most part, as before mentioned, into tendons. These are commonly very strong cords, like belts or straps, made up of white, fibrous tissue.

In consequence of loss of power in the triceps and anterior brachial muscles, the arm is extended and straightened on the shoulder, the scapulohumeral angle is open, and the elbow depressed. The knee is carried in advance, level with, or in front of, a vertical line dropped from the point of the shoulder.

A great, fan-shaped muscle, called the pectoralis major, lies on the chest. It extends from the chest to the arm and helps draw the arm inward and forward. Its use is to bend the forearm on the arm, an act familiarly known as "trying your muscle." Its direct antagonist is the three-headed muscle called the triceps.

A simple experiment illustrates the nature of the muscular action from which the tremolo results. "Set" the muscles of the arm by contracting the biceps and triceps with the utmost possible strength. With the arm in this stiffened condition flex and extend the forearm slowly several times. You will notice a pronounced trembling of the arm.

Owing to the exposed position of this structure, it is not infrequently contused, the result of falls, kicks and other injuries. The function of the triceps is such that it becomes strained upon rare occasions when a horse resists confinement of restraint in such manner that the parts are unduly tensed in contraction.

However, radial paralysis is encountered following injury to the nerve occasioned by its being stretched, as in cases where the triceps brachii is unduly extended in restraining subjects by means of a casting harness.

As a result of his injuries, at the time Gibney saw him, he had completely lost all power of extending the knee-joint. Partridge mentions an instance, in a strong and healthy man, of rupture of the tendon of the left triceps cubiti, caused by a fall on the pavement.

The cripple, swinging on his crutches, develops the broad sheet of muscular fibres which enfolds the back and loins, and approaches in form the simian tribe, the business of whose life is climbing. The sledge-hammer brings out the biceps of the blacksmith, and striking out from the shoulder the triceps of the pugilist.