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Another student said "I don't see how you've been issued any license to say things about Nora Black." Another student said dubiously: " Well, he knows her well." And then three or four spoke at once. " He was very badly rattled when she appeared upon the scene." Peter Tounley asked: "Well, which of you people know anything wrong about Nora Black?

Nora Black simply went mad, but fortunately part of her madness was in the form of speechlessness. Otherwise there might have been heard something approaching to billingsgate. Marjory and Peter Tounley turned first hot and then cold, and looked as if they wanted to fly away; and even Coke, penned helplessly in with this unpleasant incident, seemed to have a sudden attack of distress.

" That's all right. Do you mean to say that you prefer to continue towing pack horses in the presence of this queen of song and the dance just because you think Coleman can throw out his chest a little more than you. Not so. Think of your bright and sparkling youth. There's Coke and Pete Tounley near Marjory. We'll call 'em." Whereupon he set up a cry.

I warned him against trying it. Yes, I said it was impossible, I had no idea that he would really carry the thing out. But didn't he tell you anything about this himself?" " No, sir " answered Peter Tounley. " He never said much about it. I think he usually contended that it was mainly an accident." " It was no accident," said the minister, sharply.

His passion in this direction was well known in Washurst, where the students had borrowed a phrase from the photographers in order to describe him fully in a nickname. They called him " Look-pleasant Tounley." This did not in any way antagonise his perfect willingness to fight on occasions with a singular desperation, which usually has a small stool in every mind where good nature has a throne.

That minx-" The concensus of opinion in the first carriage was perfectly expressed by Peter Tounley, who with a deep drawn breath, said : " Well, I'm damned! " Marjory had moaned and lowered her head as from a sense of complete personal shame. Coleman lit his cigar and mounted his horse. " Well, I suppose there is nothing for it but to be off, professor?

We are going ahead to talk to Nora Black." " Good time you'll have," answered Peter Tounley. " Coleman is cuttin' up scandalous. You won't stand a show." " What do you think of him ? " said Coke. " Seems curious, all 'round. Do you suppose he knew she would show up? It was nervy to " " Nervy to what? " asked Billie. "Well," said Coke, " seems to me he is playing both ends against the middle.

" Oh, you don't know what life is, kid." " S-steady the Blues," said Peter Tounley seriously. You'll lose your head if you don't watch out." " Not I" cried Coleman with irritation. " But a man must turn loose some times, mustn't he?" When the four, students had separated in the corri- dor, Coke had posted at once to Nora Black's sitting room.

Wainwright who, at last finding a field for their kindly ambitions, flung them. selves upon Tounley and carried him off to another place. Peter was removed, crying: " Oh, now, look here, professor, I'm not dying or anything of the sort Coleman and Marjory were left alone. He suddenly and forcibly took one of her hands and the blood stained hankerchief dropped to the floor.

The minister was anxious over the havoc he had wrought with the two other students, but slowly the colour abated in one face and grew in the other. To give them opportunity, the minister talked busily to Peter Tounley. "And how did you know it, you young scamp ?" Peter was jubilant. " Oh, -I knew it! I knew it I I am very clever."