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White and Willis overtook the company that Tobin was traveling with at a point near the crossing of the Magottsey. They found where he was sleeping, and, going to him as he lay on the ground rolled up in his blanket, they shot him several times.

Severely wounded as he was, Tobin recovered, and was, when I last heard from him, in the Union army. At Parowan, in 1855 or 1856, there was a man by the name of Robert Gillespie. He was a member of the Church, had one wife, and owned a fine property. Gillespie wanted to be sealed to his sister-in-law, but for some reason his request was denied.

Davy faintly uttered, as a consolation to his then attendant, Mr. John Tobin, "I do not think I shall die." Such are some of the appalling hazards encountered by M. Davy, in his intrepid investigation of the gases.

Eben's face suddenly coloured, and his eyes dropped. He remembered what he had done at the quarry. Mrs. Tobin was now convinced that she was being deceived, and that her husband and son were in league against her. She wheeled upon the captain. "I want you to come right home with me, Sam'l. This is a very serious matter, and I need Flo's advice.

I declare, I'm more pleased than I calc'lated on. An' I expected till lately to die a single man!" "'T would re'lly have been a shame; 't ain't natur'," said Mrs. Tobin, with confidence. "I don't see how you held out so long with bein' solitary." "I'll hire a hand to drive for me, and we'll have a good comfortable winter, me an' you an' the old sorrel.

So the town had dropped the plebeian "Gulch" from its name and as "Tobin" counted with ever increasing pride the hundreds of cars that carried its fruit from ocean to ocean and the growing numbers of its health-seekers and summer visitors. "It looks good to me," was Ellison's inward comment as he walked up the street again. "I think I 'll look into this fruit business.

Tobin would be James Webbe Tobin, of Nevis, who died in 1814, the brother of the playwright John Tobin, author of "The Honeymoon." A young ass. The general opinion at Christ's Hospital is that Lamb invented this incident; and yet it has the air of being true. L.'s admired Perry. John Perry, steward from 1761 to 1785, mentioned in Lamb's earlier essay. Gags. Still current slang.

They were anxious to know how he was getting along, and Mrs. Hampton had brought a bottle of her choicest jam for his special benefit. "It is sartinly good of yez to come," he told them. "Martha was entertainin' me by readin' the paper. It helps pass the time." "I was just reading about that poor girl who drowned herself," Mrs. Tobin explained. "Have you seen it, Miss?"

"I've been tryin' to git a chance to put in a word with you ever sence Well, I expected you'd want to get your feelin's kind o' calloused after losin' Tobin." "There's nobody can fill his place," said the widow. "I do' know but I can fight for ye town-meetin' days, on a pinch," urged Jefferson boldly. "I never see the beat o' you men fur conceit," and Mrs. Tobin laughed.

"I have heard of another road," continued Conductor Tobin, "now being built somewhere in Europe, Austria I believe, over which they propose to run trains at the rate of one hundred and twenty-five miles an hour." Here the conversation was interrupted by Snyder Appleby, who, in a frenzy of terror that he could no longer control, shouted "Stop him! Stop him! I order you to stop him at once!"