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"How often we defend cases," ruminated his partner, "where the complainant is just as bad as the prisoner at the bar if not worse." "And of course," added Tutt, "you must admit there are a lot of criminals who are criminals from perfectly good motives. Take the man, for instance, who thrashes a bystander who insults his wife the man's wife, I mean, naturally."

"Yes: she is always in good spirits when he is away." "Indeed?" "It seems to me that they dont pull together. I think she is afraid of him." "You dont mean to say that he ill-treats her?" said Douglas, fiercely. "No: I dont mean that he thrashes her, or anything of that sort. And yet he is just that sort of chap that I shouldnt be surprised at anything he might do.

It seems a poor return for their unconscious patriotism when a colonel thrashes one of them as though he were a dog, especially as he knows the soldier may not strike back.

"Because there is a big hulking fellow who has gone half out of his wits for her; and when he fancies he sees any other chap too sweet on her he thrashes him into a jelly. So, youngster, you just keep your skin out of that trap." "Hem! And what does the girl say to those proofs of affection? Does she like the man the better for thrashing other admirers into jelly?" "Poor child!

I drudge for him, and he bullies me, miscalls me before the men, thrashes me oh, mother! I can't endure it any longer. Let me go away, anywhere; anything would be better than this!" Desmond was quivering with pain and indignation; only with difficulty did he keep back the tears. "Hush, Desmond!" said his mother. "Dick will hear you.

"It is a trick that all the family have," said the Doctor, "from which some of them are supposed to have taken the name of Thrasher, but that is doubtful. The Mockingbird thrashes about in his cage; the Brown Thrasher on the ground under the bushes; the House Wren does the same, and the tiny Winter Wren gives his tail a jerk instead, for it is not long enough to really thrash."

The Gananciosa then tried her hand at consoling the victim; saying to her, among other things "I would freely give my best gown that my fancy man had done as much by me; for I would have you know, sister Cariharta, if you don't know it yet, that he who loves best thrashes best; and when these scoundrels whack us and kick us, it is then they most devoutly adore us.

Then the mate takes the long, keen lance and plunges it deep into the great shuddering carcass, "churning" it up and down and seeking to pierce the heart or lungs. This is the moment of danger; for, driven mad with pain, the great beast rolls and thrashes about convulsively.

You great, big tyrant, couldn't you hit one of your own size? But say the lad thrashes me? In either case I walk away discomfited: but in the latter, I am positively put to shame. Now, when the ropes were cut from that death-grip, and Sir Thomas released, the gentleman of Benicia was confessedly blind of one eye, and speedily afterwards was blind of both. Could Mr.

"Yes, and just in the same tradition, only he's finding it doesn't work, I suspect. You see, the old darkies are all right, but when he's forced to get new labour he has to get the new darkies and they're all wrong, and he thrashes them and they run away. They never take the law of him either. I reckon when they get clear of Silas they don't stop running till they get to Galveston."