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The home is centred in his study, full of books, engravings, a large safe, telephone, theatrophone, newspapers, cigarettes, easy-chairs. When I go in, an old friend, a stockbroker, is there, and "thees" and "thous" abound in the conversation, which runs on investments, the new English loan, banking accounts in London, the rent moratorium in Paris, and the war.

Braved a thous' years batt' and the breeze! Ta' these to the Gov'-Genral! He mus' sen' these to King George! May save Buck'm Pal's! If all else falls, mus' save Buck'm Pal's, Marshella! King George unstans code all in code " She took them dazedly in her hands. She saw that on the whitewashed wall against which he had almost stuck himself was a great patch of wet from his drowned clothes.

We ate till we could eat no more, and then we sat in the wide-open tent, with the camp-fire blazing in front of us, and talked of everything under the stars. I like the Quaker speech: the gentle intimacy of their "little language," with its quaint "thees" and "thous," and the curious turn they give to their verbs, disregarding the formalities of grammar.

'You are hurting me, I said coldly, 'with your elbow. 'Oh, a thousand pardons! a thous' parnds, Magda! That isn't your real name, is it? He sat upright and turned his face to glance at mine with a fatuous smile; but I would not look at him. I kept my eyes straight in front. Then a swerve of the carriage swung his body away from me, and he subsided into the corner.

He was still in his mood of spiritual pride, and when he spoke it was always with the thees and the thous and in the high pitch of the preacher. "The Ballawhaine is dead, your Honour," he cried, "They wouldn't have me tell thee before because of thy body's weakness, but now they suffer it. Groanings and moanings and 'stericks of torment! Ter'ble sir, ter'ble!

Apparently he was looked upon as something of a wag, for he was interrupted frequently by laughter. His voice carried distinctly. "Gents an' fel ler citizens," he began, striking an oratorical attitude, "we now comes to the next num ber on the program, the which is costin' a lot o' cold coin. Fif ty thous and dollars, gents, is what it costs to have the Perfessor put on his little stunt.

Her teeth came together grindingly. She breathed heavily through her nostrils, as if she had been running. And suddenly she began to pray, not with the sounding, unctions thees and thous of the Church and Bible; not elegantly or eloquently, with well-rounded phrases, as the righteous pray, but threateningly, hoarsely, as a desperate woman prays.

Put safely away, of course, while you were doing your time. Let's see it was a Building Society that you defrauded, wasn't it? Mallalieu was treasurer, and you were secretary. Yes I remember now. The amount was two thous " Cotherstone made a sudden exclamation and a sharp movement both checked by an equally sudden change of attitude and expression on the part of the ex-detective.

"I remember you were full of those quaint Quaker 'thees and thous. But certainly you are a Quaker no longer, with that becoming attire? Oh, child, be glad you have not supped sorrow's bitter cup." There was so much on hand getting them settled that Primrose could not go to Uncle Henry's with her blessed news at once. It was always pain as well as pleasure.

When once, Torquatus, you shall be dead, and Minos shall have made his awful decisions concerning you; not your family, not you eloquence, not your piety shall restore you. For neither can Diana free the chaste Hippolytus from infernal darkness; nor is Theseus able to break off the Lethaean fetters from his dear Piri thous.