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"Yes; you'll earn more after a while, and I can now; but I'd rather live in the city. There's lots to see in the city theaters, circuses, and all kinds of amusements." "You won't have much money to spend on theaters," said Harry, prudently. "Not at first, but I'll get raised soon." "I think I should try to save as much as I could." "Out of three dollars a week?" "Yes."

In all these theaters, probably, the stage consisted of a bare platform, with a curtain or "traverse" across the middle, separating the front from the rear stage. On the latter unexpected scenes or characters were "discovered" by simply drawing the curtain aside.

I made much of all the pleasures of the city; I spoke of the balls, the theaters, of the many opportunities for diversion on every hand. In short, since we were happy, I did not see why we should make a change; and I did not think of going away at present. I was expecting her to insist that we carry out our plan of going to Geneva, and was not disappointed.

He suggested that she invite them to dinner, that they give a musical at which Sohlberg could play and be paid. There were boxes at the theaters, tickets for concerts sent, invitations to drive Sundays or other days. The very chemistry of life seems to play into the hands of a situation of this kind.

"In the meager information about midgets, one writer, in an excellent article, estimates one midget to every million of population. He must have lived in New York City, as the little people flock to that metropolis, seeking employment in theaters and museums.

No, journeyman acting's no harder to learn than bricklaying or carpentering. And in America everywhere in the world but a few theaters in Paris and Vienna there is nothing seen but journeyman acting. The art is in its infancy as an art. It even has not yet been emancipated from the swaddling clothes of declamation. Yes, you can do well by the autumn.

Pavements, large buildings, bright lights, theaters Buddy was thrilled. He prepared himself for introduction to oil operators, to men of finance sitting in marble and mahogany offices; he made ready to step forth into the big world. Great was his astonishment, therefore, when after a swift walk Gray turned into a tiny frame insurance office on a side street.

The dreary picture included the cost of living; the disorganization of transports; the terrible mortality caused by the after-effects of the war; the crowding of prisons, theaters, cinemas, and dancing-saloons; the eagerness of employers to keep their war prisoners employed while thousands of demobilized soldiers were roaming about the cities and villages vainly looking for work; the absence of personal liberty; the numerous arrests, and the relative popularity withal of the Dictator.

'There's somebody's tire gone to glory, I sez to myself, but I give it no more thought, for it takes you to be awake to drive up Shaftesbury Avenue when the theaters are starting." "You said you didn't think the shot was in your cab; why do you think so now?" "It was the only sound like a shot, sir, and if the man has been shot, it would have been then." Willis nodded shortly.

On the anniversary fete of the coronation and of the battle of Austerlitz, there were as usual free representations in all the theaters of Paris; but at these the Emperor did not appear, as he had so often done.