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Richling fell down twice in the water, to the uproarious delight of the yard; but his companion helped him up, and they both agreed it was the sliminess of the tank's bottom that was to blame. "Soon we get through we goin' to buy drink o' whisky from jailer," said Ristofalo; "he keep it for sale. Then, after that, kin hire somebody to go to your house; captain yard think we gittin' mo' whisky."

His muscles, accustomed to the heavier cast-iron grenades of his experience, had betrayed him. For a moment, he was closer to despair than at any other time in the whole phantasmagoric adventure. Then he was hit, with physical violence, by a wave of almost solid heat. It didn't smell like the heat of the tank's engines; it smelled like molten metal, with undertones of burned flesh.

Report early in the morning." "Tank's, boss," said Gus, the tramp. But he took the bill slowly. "But, you can't spend it on beer and whisky and work for us," added Ned. Gus shifted uneasily. "You'd better have a bath and a shave. And if you need clothes and can get them here," continued Ned, "I'll advance more to-morrow if you show up all right."

That is, I want him to care for me, and I shouldn't like it if he sailed away to the Philippine Islands and never showed up again, but at the same time well, I don't think even you could get up much sentiment about paper bags, and besides" tempestuously "the name Tank's preposterous!" Ernestine laughed. "What are those terms the lawyers are so fond of immaterial, irrelevant, and something else?

Almost at once, from behind the vines, a tank's machine guns snarled at him, clipping the place where he had been standing, then shifting to rage against the sheltering rock. With a sudden motor-roar, the muzzle of a long tank-gun pushed out through the vines, and then the low body of a tank with a red star on the turret came rumbling out of the camouflaged bay.

Bullets had merely made steel-bright flecks on the tanks' paint and shrapnel had equally failed to penetrate the armor. Among the imaginary tributes paid to the tank's powers is that it "eats" trees that is to say, it can cut its way through a wood and that it can knock down a stone wall. As it has no teeth it cannot masticate timber.

Then as truthfully as possible he told her of the life and mind of the lonely loving plainsman. When he had finished, Miss Jane sat awhile in silent thought. "It is right that you should know something of conditions here, Doctor," she said at last. "The older Shirleys are dead. Tank's life hastened the end for them, the Cloverdale gossips say.

Do you wonder Tank hates his brother? You wouldn't if I dared to tell you all of Jim's cussedness, but some things I'm sworn to secrecy on. That's Tank's streak of kindness he can't overcome. Gets it from his mother. I'm his agent, and I'm paid for my work. You both understand me, I reckon." "We unterstant, an' we stay py you to der ent," Hans Wyker exclaimed enthusiastically.

He wondered, stupidly, if one of his bullets couldn't have gone down the muzzle of the tank's gun and exploded the shell in the chamber.... Oh, the hell with it! The tank might have been hit by a premature shot from the barrage which was raging against the far slope of the ridge. He reset his watch by guess and looked down the valley.

The Germans charged the beast, and got under its guns, pounded at the door, tried to bomb and pry it open with bayonets and crawled over the top looking for dents in the armor with the rage of hornets, but in vain. They could not harm the crew inside and the crew could not harm them. "A noisy lot!" said the tank's skipper. Tactical objective be British soldiers went to the rescue of their tank.