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These things were known: I was not an Indian. I had been adopted into the family of Chief Williams. Money was sent through an agent in New York for my support and education. There were scars on my wrists, ankles, arm and eyebrow. These scars identified me in Madame de Ferrier's mind and Madame Tank's mind as a person from the other side of the world. I had formerly been deadened in mind.

"Now don't go and do any fool thing," she admonished. "Don't jump at conclusions. You aren't Ernestine, and he isn't Karl. He's Joseph Tank of all abominable names! And he makes paper bags of all ridiculous things! Tank's Paper Bags!" she guessed not! Suppose in some rash moment she did marry him. People would say: "What business is your husband in?"

The tank's passengers found that the 100-foot steel tower had virtually disappeared, with only the metal and concrete stumps of its four legs remaining. Surrounding ground zero was a crater almost 2,400 feet across and about ten feet deep in places. Desert sand around the tower had been fused by the intense heat of the blast into a jade colored glass.

Immediately after the test a Sherman M-4 tank, equipped with its own air supply, and lined with two inches of lead went out to explore the site. The lead lining added 12 tons to the tank's weight, but was necessary to protect its occupants from the radiation levels at ground zero.