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Could they find a swashbuckler willing to assail the present incumbent? Of a surety and what was more able to vanquish anybody. Could it be arranged secretly? No human being would ever suspect that she knew anything about the matter; what was more, the most inquisitive would never divine that they themselves had any hand in the change of priests at Aricia. How could this be accomplished?

"I am no swashbuckler, yet I have met steel with steel and methinks I had rather face your kinsmen's swords than your cruel tongue, lady. Why do you use me so?" "Gerar-do, for no good reason, but because I am wayward, and shrewish, and curst, and because everybody admires me but you." "I admire you too, Signora.

The statesman who shall enact a law forbidding the carrying of this deadly weapon will indeed have deserved well of his country; but it will be a difficult task to undertake, and a dangerous one. I would not give much for that man's life. The hand of every swashbuckler in the empire would be against him.

"Heaven and hell!" roared the swashbuckler, coming to a standstill and glowering down upon his impatient companion. "And you have made me run for this?" "And is it not enough?" retorted Peppe testily. "Will you come on?" "Not a foot farther," returned the captain, getting very angry. "Is this a miserable jest? What of the treachery you spoke of?"

"He who, passing his life in camps, wished to think and to act like the philosopher, whose books are his principal society, would cause people to doubt his wisdom; and the thinker who should adopt publicly the methods of a swashbuckler would only inspire contempt." In ordinary life, one ought to consider this faculty of common sense as the ruling principle of conduct.

I have no doubt that I have interest enough to procure your enrolment amongst them.” “What,” said I, “become swashbuckler to Mumbo Jumbo up here! May I . . .”—and here I swore—“if I do. The mere possibility of one of their children being swashbuckler to Mumbo Jumbo on the high Barbary shore has always been a source of heart-breaking to my poor parents.

Hégisippe, defying the laws governing the absorption of alcohols, tossed off his absinthe in swashbuckler fashion, and rose. "Now I leave you. You have many things to talk about. My respectful compliments to Madame. Messieurs, au revoir." He shook hands, saluted and swaggered off, his chechia at the very back of his head, leaving half his shaven crown uncovered in front.

Six pairs of eyes followed the fascinating steel before which the cloth rippled and fell away, as water is cleft by the prow of a stanch little boat. Around the curves went the shears, guided by Emma's firm white hands, snipping, slashing, doubling on itself, a very swashbuckler of a shears. "There!" exclaimed Emma at last, and dropped the shears on the table with a clatter.

The key-note speech delivered by Governor Glynn, contained this ringing defense of the President's policy of neutrality: "This policy may not satisfy those who revel in destruction and find pleasure in despair. It may not satisfy the fire-eater or the swashbuckler but it does satisfy those who worship at the altar of the god of peace.

Thus it will be plain to the Reader that a Knight of Malta is a kind of Medley of Seaman, Swashbuckler, and Saint Admiral Benbow, Field-Marshal Wade, and Friar Tuck all rolled up into one. I did become acquainted with one of these Holy Roystering Cavalieros, by the name of Don Ercolo Amadeo Sparafucile di San Lorenzo, that was a perfect Model of all these Characteristics.