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Updated: August 12, 2024

"As I remarks, it ain't two minutes when thar's four of us gone swarmin' off after the dumb man who's got Texas Thompson's pinto pony. From the tracks, he ain't makin' no play to throw us off, for he maintains a straight-away run down the Silver City trail, an' never leaves it or doubles once. "Runnin' of the dumb man down don't turn out no arduous task.

All along thet Galloper's Ridge it's jest tech and go like; the woods is swarmin' with 'em. But once past Skinner's, you're all right. They never dare go below that. So ef you don't mind, miss, for it's bein' in your presence, I'll jest pull off my butes and ease my feet for a spell."

Three miles from heah the blue-coats are swarmin' thicker'n bees in a field o' buckwheat." "Three miles from here! Is our army within three miles of here?" "Hit sartinly is, an' the Lord-awfullest crowd o' men an' guns an' hosses thet ever tromped down the grass o' this ere airth. Why, hit jest dazed my eyes ter look at 'em. Come ter this other winder.

"Which the eel is the gamest fish," says this Davis. "When I'm visitin' in Virginny, I used to go fishin'. I don't fish with a reel, an' one of them limber poles, an' let a fish go swarmin' up an' down a stream, a-breedin' false hopes in his bosom an' lettin' him think he's loose. Not me; I wouldn't so deloode wouldn't play it that low on a fish. I goes anglin' in a formal, se'f-respectin' way.

A last fellow in a red night-cap, swarming out on the bowsprit, plumped into the sea. The Gunner leapt on to the bulwark. "Cleared, be God! alow and aloft!" he roared, swinging his chain-shot about his head. "Ats off all! God save h'our gracious King." A bandaged head poked out of the hatchway. "They're swarmin in through the port-holes!" came a husky scream. Old Ding-dong lifted on his elbows.

He warned his second wife that it was a terrible year for adders an' the ground swarmin' with 'em, for he knew she had a horror o' snakes. Inside of a fortnight he brought home a third " "Bill," said Mr. Jope, sitting up sharply, "what noise was that?" "I didn't hear it," answered Mr. Adams, who was turning up his trousers uneasily. "Adders, maybe."

Mrs. McCartey went on: "I've been thinkin' so many times since you come how much luckier you are than most Yankees that come back to their old homes. It must seem so good to you to see the houses just swarmin' with young life and to know that the trees and yards and rocks and brooks that give you such a good time when you was a boy, are goin' on givin' good times to a string of other boys."

"Ain't our plan to git away from the Arabs as fast as we can?" said Moses Pyne, who sat on a stone at the sailor's feet. "Yes, Moses, but that's only part of it," returned Molloy. "We must keep away as well as get away an' that won't be quite so easy, for the country is swarmin' wi' the dark-skinned rascals, as the many tracks we have already passed shows us.

Why do 'e stand glazin' like that? A chap rode out for 'e 'pon horseback; an' a bit o' time be lost a'ready. They 'm swarmin' in the orchard, an' nobody knaws more 'n the dead what to be at." "I won't go. Let them get Johnson." "'Won't go'! An' five shillin' hangin' to it, an' Lard knaws what more in time to come! 'Won't go'! An' my poor legs throbbin' something cruel with climbin' for 'e!"

"Are the rats then so numerous?" asked Jackman. "Swarmin', all over! Haven't you heard them yet?" "Well, yes, I heard them scampering soon after I went to bed, but I thought it was kittens at play in the room overhead, and soon went to sleep. But they don't come into the rooms, do they?" "Oh, no I only wish they would! Wouldn't we have a jolly hunt if they did?

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