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Thus had the Church gained four members, and the good folk of Surrentum lost a heretic-baiting. With the proceedings of the Imperial commander the worthy cleric could not interfere.

Reports from Surrentum gave reason to hope that this measure had succeeded. But to-day, as he entered Basil's house, Gordian's face wore a troubled look, and there was no warmth in his response to the greeting which met him. 'You have sent for me, my dear lord, he began with grave and distant courtesy, 'to speak of the matter of your inheritance.

The great chariot, the baggage, the servants riding, made fresh commotion in Surrentum; many accompanied the great lady along the winding road until they were weary and their curiosity satisfied. To this obsequious escort Petronilla uttered certain words which before evening were repeated throughout the town.

In a few days I shall again visit you at Surrentum, and perchance bring news that may give us matter for talk. From a portico hard by there approached a beggar, a filthy and hideous cripple, who, with whining prayer, besought alms. Marcian from his wallet took a copper coin, and, having glanced at it, drew Basil's attention. 'Look, said he, smiling oddly, 'at the image and the superscription.

She moved towards him with her wonted dignity of mien, but in the look with which she examined him, as she paused at two paces' distance, it was easy to perceive distrust, and a certain inquietude. 'Your leisure at length permits you to visit me, dear lord Basil, she began coldly. 'My leisure, indeed, he replied, 'has not been great since the day on which you left Surrentum.

He breathed an intimate inquiry: Was the sick man at peace with his own soul? Had he sought strength and solace from the reverend presbyter of Surrentum, his spiritual father in this district? Maximus replied that he had neglected no ordinary means of grace. Whilst speaking, he met the deacon's eye; its significance was not to be mistaken.

When yet a maiden she had several times spent summer at Surrentum; her memory revived that early day which seemed so long ago; she lived again with her brothers and sisters, all dead, with her mother whom griefs had aged so soon.

With another piercing glance at Leander she withdrew from the assembly. It was a morning of wind and cloud; the day broke sadly. When the first gleam of yellow sunlight flitted over Surrentum towards the cliffs of Capreae, silence had fallen upon the villa. Wearied by their night of watching, the inhabitants slept, or at least reposed in privacy. But this quiet was of short duration.

'O modest Decius! exclaimed the other. 'Which, pray, carries the more dignity, your name or mine? not to speak of your learning and my ignorance. As to Aurelia, I can ease your mind at once. She would not dream of objecting. 'Then let us, to-morrow, beg audience of the pious lady at Surrentum, and request her permission.

His third grandson Agrippa, with his step-son Tiberius, he adopted in the forum, by a law passed for the purpose by the Sections ; but he soon afterwards discarded Agrippa for his coarse and unruly temper, and confined him at Surrentum.