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Updated: August 3, 2024

"'I havent desided I don't KNOW, but I think I'm going to ask Aunt Olivia to pay me 5 cents a weak. Rhoda says you call it an alowance, and I supose she knows. She is the minnister's daughter. She has 10 cents a weak unless shes bad and then she pays the minnister an alowance. He charges her 1 cent a sin and he gives it to somebody who is indignant I think Rhoda said indignant.

Then the women laden like unto so many mules, their burdens made a greater sheu then they themselves; but I supose the weight was not equivolent to its bignesse. After they rested they came to the biggest cabbane constituted for that purpose. There were fires kindled. Our Captayne made a speech of thanksgiving, which should be long to writ it.

"Suppose," he said, "that this fellow would go to some big factery, and demand work. Not ask for it. Demand it. He could pretend to be starving and say: `The world owes me a living, and I intend to have it." "But supose they were sorry for him and gave it to him?" I observed. "Tut, child," he said. "That would have to be all fixed up first.

'Will you go back to your room, and I'll get rid of these goats, he said, trying to speak in a matter-of-fact way. 'I supose there isn't a yard where I could put them, nearer than their own by the lagoon. 'I don't think so, she answered dully, and without stirring from where she crouched upon the steps. When he urged her anew to go back to bed, she answered petulantly: 'Oh, do let me be.

"Just keep him out of my sight," father snaped. "I supose I can't keep him from swilling tea while I am away doing my part to help the Allies." "Oh, rot!" said Sis, in a scornfull maner. "While you help your bank account, you mean. I don't object to that, father, but for Heaven's sake don't put it on altruistic grounds."

"Aline, we'll confess us! We wend there biccause we are orphan'! Of co'se, we know that biffo', sinze long time, many, many year'; but only sinze a few day' " "Joy-ride day," Aline put in, a bit tensely. "Ah, no! Chérie, you muz' not supose " "Never mind; 'last few days' go on." "Well, sinze those laz' few day' we bigin to feel like we juz' got to take step' ab-oud that!"

Mather should goe to Cambridge again to reside there with a resolution not to read the Scriptures, and expound in the Hall: I fear the example of it will do more hurt than his going thither will doe good. This speech I owned.... I ask'd him if I should supose he had done somthing amiss in his church as an officer; whether it would be well for me to exclaim against him in the street for it."

May 10. father has found out about my killing that hen. he dident get mad but said i ought to have cut her head off and she wood be good to eat, but i supose it is to late now for it is almost a week ago and i burried her the next day.

And, having thus spoken, he quitted the room as straightforwardly as he had entered it. "He's SO queer!" Mrs. Sheridan gasped. "Who on earth would thought of his doin' THAT?" "I told you," said her husband, grimly. "You didn't tell us he'd go over there and " "I told you she wouldn't have him. I told you she wouldn't have JIM, didn't I?" Sibyl was altogether taken aback. "Do you supose it's true?

"How much do you need? Busness is pretty good now, and I've about landed the new order for shells for the English War Department. I supose we make it fifty! Although, we'd better keep it a Secret between the to of us." I drew myself up, although tempted. But what was fifty dollars to doing somthing for Adrian? A mere bagatelle. "Father," I said, "do you know Miss Everett, my English teacher?"

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