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Updated: August 23, 2024

"Then it canna be dune," said Leeby, falling despairingly into a chair, "for they may be here ony meenute." "It's most michty," said Jess, turning on her husband, "'at ye should tak a pleasure in bringin' this hoose to disgrace. Hoo did ye no tell's suner?" "I fair forgot," Hendry answered, "but what's a' yer steer?" "Steer!" she exclaimed. "Is't no time we was makkin' a steer?

Tam had a knife, he gart the cauld steel glitter. And it seemed the solan understood about knives, for nae suner did the steel glint in the sun than he gied the ae squawk, but laigher, like a body disappointit, and flegged aff about the roundness of the craig, and Tam saw him nae mair.

Riach; they're my own bakin'. Weel, he was a fearsomely outspoken man, the doctor, an' nae suner had he the bannock atween his teeth, for he didna stop to swallow't, than he says, 'Mistress Geddie, says he, 'I wasna born on a Sabbath.

"Sit doon," thundered MacLure; "condemned ye will be suner or later gin ye shirk yir duty, but through the water ye gang the day." Both men spoke much more strongly and shortly, but this is what they intended to say, and it was MacLure that prevailed.

"I'm nae suner out than she's in. She'll no say a word against Coberston for the next three months, I warrant ye. But, by my faith, it's as teuch a job as boilin' auld Soulis in the cauldron at the Skelfhill; and I hae nae black spae-book like Thomas to help my spell. Yet, after a', my Lord, what spell is like the wit o' man, when he has courage to act up to 't!"

"I wull, An'rew; I was nae suner left to mysel' i' the prison than I faun' mysel' thinkin' aboot you you first, and no the Lord. I said to mysel', 'This is awfu'. I'm leanin' upo' An'rew, and no upo' the First and the Last. I saw that that was to brak awa' frae Him that was nearest me, and trust ane that was farther awa' which wasna i' the holy rizzon o' things.

Weel, I assure ye, I had nae suner said 'at he was rale wise to marry wha he likit than he slips a pound note into my hand. Ou, Jess, we've ta'en the wrang wy wi' Jeames. I've telt a' my bairns 'at if they meet him they're to praise the wife terrible, an' I'm far mista'en if that doesna mean five shillin's to ilka ane o' them."

'He has a happy death, Grenadiers, remarked the general, 'for he died in the service of his country'; but a voice answered from behind: 'For mysel, sir, gin ye've nae objection, I wud suner bide alive in the service of ma cuntra. And let us hope he did. The guns across the bridge were captured with a dash, and the sepoys retreated on Cawnpore.

And it seemed the solan understood about knives, for nae suner did the steel glint in the sun than he gied the ae squawk, but laighter, like a body disappointit, and flegged aff about the roundness of the craig, and Tam saw him nae mair. And as sune as that thing was gane, Tam's heid drapt upon his shouther, and they pu'd him up like a deid corp, dadding on the craig. Up he sat.

And since we ought to dwell as little as possible upon scenes in which unguarded innocence is exposed to artful conspiracies, we will put a page or two into the brute form of dramatic dialogue, and so sail through it quicker. 1st Merchant. "Where are ye going, Meggie?" Christie Johnstone. "If onybody asks ye, say ye dinna ken." 1st Mer. "Will ye sell your fish?" Christie. "Suner than gie them."

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