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Updated: August 22, 2024

There is a fly, brother, which lays an egg in the back of a spider so that the spider can't shake it off: the grub fastens upon the spider and drinks its heart's blood. That was how this woman fastened upon me and sucks the blood of my heart. She hates and despises me for being so stupid; that is, for marrying a woman like her. My chivalry seems to her despicable.

"Where the bee sucks, there suck I; In a cowslip's bell I lie; There I couch when owls do cry. On the bat's back I do fly After summer merrily. Merrily, merrily shall I live now Under the blossom that hangs on the bough." Prospero then buried deep in the earth his magical books and wand, for he was resolved never more to make use of the magic art.

You may teach a quadruped to walk on his hind legs, but he is always wanting to be on all fours. Nothing that can be taught a growing youth is like the atmospheric knowledge he breathes from his infancy upwards. The American baby sucks in freedom with the milk of the breast at which he hangs. That's a good joke, said the young fellow John, considerin' it commonly belongs to a female Paddy.

She swallows tiny insects, and when they have remained a little while in her crop she opens her beak, into which the young bird puts its own and sucks the softened food, as a baby does milk from its bottle." "I was wondering this very morning," said Joe, "how the old bird was going to feed her young ones when those two eggs hatched, without any mate to help her.

The subtle wit of a well executed quote amused the man, but generated no response from the boy. Discouraged, he dutifully noted this on a blue 42C, adding another 'X. This could go on forever... What there's no accounting for "If that's the best you can do, then your best sucks!" Jodi Foster, "The Accused"

"Suckin'-fish," was Ben's laconic answer. "A sucking-fish! I never heard of one before. Why is it so-called?" "Because it sucks," replied the sailor. "Sucks what?" "Sharks. Didn't you see it suckin' at this 'un afore I pulled it from the teat? Ha! ha! ha!" "Surely it wasn't that, Ben?" said the lad, mystified by Ben's remark. "Well, boy, I an't, going to bamboozle ye.

Na faags, it was ower ill to come by. The scartit one? No, no, it was a lucky. Well, then, the one found in the rat's hole? It was Tommy's first Muckley, and the report that he had thirteen pence brought him many advisers about its best investment. "Mind this," he said solemnly, "there's none o' the candies as sucks so long as Californy's Teuch and Tasty.

There was a pitcher of punch by the captain's elbow: she tasted it, threw in a dash of liquor, poured him out a glass and sat down beside him, and he felt that a gap was comfortably filled. "You have turned your back on Philadelphia, they tell me, Miss Fleming," complained Judge Rhodes. "New York sucks in all the young blood of the country the talent and energy."

Whether it be Providence or Fate, Gutenburg is the precursor of Luther. Nevertheless, when the sun of the Middle Ages is completely set, when the Gothic genius is forever extinct upon the horizon, architecture grows dim, loses its color, becomes more and more effaced. The printed book, the gnawing worm of the edifice, sucks and devours it.

The Stoics, that by the secundines and navel they partake of aliment, and therefore the midwife instantly after their birth ties the navel, and opens the infant's mouth, that it may receive another sort of aliment. Alcmaeon, that they receive their nourishment from every part of the body; as a sponge sucks in water. The Stoics believe that the whole is formed at the same time.

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