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Updated: July 31, 2024

With some difficulty he lifted it to his face and looked through the rather wobbly sights. Reluctantly he gave it back into the storekeeper's hands. "Would you mind, please," he asked, a little awed, "would you mind letting me see a box of cartridges?" Stafford smiled and reached to the shelf behind, from which he took a small, square, delightful, red box.

Passing a storekeeper's door one day, the latter puffed himself up and emitted a long blow, expressive of the inflation to oozing-point of the conceited tailor, who indignantly turned and said: 'I will teach you to blow when I am passing! to which the storekeeper replied: 'And I'll teach you not to pass when I am blowing!" "Very good!" returned the hearer.

Duncan, understanding perhaps something of the storekeeper's embarrassment, proceeded to take down his treasures: first editions from the shelves, and folios and mistrals from drawers in a great iron safe in one corner and laid them on the mahogany desk. It was the railroad president's hobby, and could he find an appreciative guest, he was happy.

And long before half those hours had passed gold was pouring into the storekeeper's coffers at a pace he had never even dreamed of. But the first rush was far too strenuous to be maintained for long. The strain was too great even for such wild spirits as peopled the camp.

"I will do my best, sir, but I know nothing of mercantile accounts." "The work will be in no way difficult. Mr. Hardman will take Mr. Parrot's ledgers; and, as you will only have to copy the storekeeper's issues into the books, five minutes will show you the form in which they are entered."

They were not smiling at the storekeeper's return they looked very grave. Then somebody lifted him tenderly from the stage and said: "Don't you worry a mite, Cynthy. Jest tuckered, that's all." William Wetherell was "just tuckered." The great Dr. Coles, authority on pulmonary troubles, who came all the way from Boston, could give no better verdict than that. It was Jethro Bass who had induced Dr.

Bill resented the implied rebuke in the storekeeper's words even more than he resented the bombardment of tobacco juice which barely missed his boots. Take it all in all he was having a rather rough time of it.

But Tim had a suspicion that Louise was rayther sweet on a young storekeeper's clerk there; so, bein' an offhand sort o' critter, he went right up to the gal, and says to her, says he, `Come, Louise, it's o' no use humbuggin' with me any longer. If you like me, you like me; and if you don't like me, you don't. There's only two ways about it.

"Perhaps after all you're right," he acquiesced. "It's only eighty miles, and there's plenty of time." Beneath the craggy brows the blaze still glowed undimmed in the old storekeeper's deep-set eyes. "Yes, there's plenty of time after How Landor knows," he said. In the midst of the prairie wilderness Providence had placed a tiny dawdling creek.

One held a whole cargo of Santa Clauses in a bower of green, each one with a cedar-bush in his folded arms, as a soldier carries his gun. The lights were blazing out in the stores, and the hucksters' torches were flaring at the corners. There was Christmas in the very air and Christmas in the storekeeper's till. It had been a very busy day.

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