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"It'll make an interesting event for your note book, Tom," declared Felix. "A deer is seldom seen around this region," Josh ventured to say; "which makes our luck all the more remarkable. I wouldn't have missed that sight for a good deal!" "I saw Stanley Ackerman using his camera, so let's hope he got a bunch of snapshots that'll show the whole circus," Felix announced.

"Yes, only that instead of taking two months loitering along I could do the job in ten days, perhaps," was the answer. "Oh! what a lucky dog you are," sighed Will; "think of the innumerable chances for taking magnificent snapshots along the way." "Hold on.

The trip to Denver was full of interest, and Dick was sorry he did not have a camera along, that he might take snapshots of the scenery. Yet he was impatient to get to his destination and stake out the missing Eclipse Mine before Arnold Baxter and his confederates should have the chance to do so. It was the afternoon of the next day when Denver was reached, and a light rain was falling.

We take snapshots, as it were, of the passing reality, and, as these are characteristic of the reality, we have only to string them on a becoming, abstract, uniform and invisible, situated at the back of the apparatus of knowledge, in order to imitate what there is that is characteristic in this becoming itself. Perception, intellection, language so proceed in general.

Of course it rained, but they all stood round on the damp, soaking grass while an old gentleman gave a lecture about that miserable little ruin. He said something about the shape of the windows, and they all took notes and sketches and snapshots, as if they had never seen anything so wonderful in their lives. There is a bit of a pillar two yards high.

But lounging in a balcony, and lazily breathing a cloud, he could have listened all day to his desultory, delightful friend, overflowing with little questions, little answers, little queries, little epigrams, little maxims 'a la Rochefoucauld, little histories, little anecdotes, little gossip, and little snapshots at every feather flying.

Madame's young friend was glad to take some kodak pictures of the eager girl, the prints were splendidly clear-cut, and Tabitha was delighted with the result. So when her busy brush had painted all the cardboard squares in soft colors, and the carefully trimmed snapshots were mounted, Tabitha's calendars were really works of art; and her heart was filled with happiness over what she had achieved.

But he was more like a Roman Emperor than ever: he had grown fat: he ate and drank too much; not that he was intoxicated, but he became flushed, and in spite of his gay and genial talk he affected me a little unpleasantly; he was gross and puffed up. But he gave one or two splendid snapshots of actors and their egregious vanity.

"You don't want to sleep on the heather, I suppose!" "Bow-wow! Shouldn't mind!" laughed Kitty. "We could cling together and keep each other warm." "You won't cling to me, thanks! I prefer a bed of my own." Nora, having brought a good supply of films for her Brownie camera, was most keen on taking snapshots.

With one hand she was combing it, with the other she fingered a bundle of snapshots taken on their honeymoon lovely snapshots, full of sunshine and queer, characteristic positions and expressions. They might, she thought, have been taken by a loving detective. Tony came in. "Do you remember," she said and then, suddenly, with a wave of misery, she realised it. The phrase did not belong to her.