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"I have the children all in bed with the smallpox." "Nevertheless, we must search your cottage." "You are welcome," replied Jacob; "only don't frighten the children if you can help it." The man, who was now joined by others, commenced his search. Jacob opened all the doors of the rooms, and they passed through.

He found the negro woman who kept the rooms for Vail standing talking to an Irish woman. Both the women were deeply pitted with smallpox. He inquired if they could tell him how Mr. Vail was. "O honey, he's done dead sence three o'clock," said the black woman, sitting down in a chair and beginning to wipe her eyes on her apron. "This Misses Mcgroarty's jist done tole me this minute."

Now they are recognized as serious, whooping-cough for its close relation to brain and spinal trouble; measles for their effect on the eyes and lungs; chicken-pox for its similarity to smallpox, and mumps for its general lowering of the tone of the system, allowing other diseases to gain a foothold.

Edwards was chosen to succeed him, but while at Princeton, before he had fairly entered upon his duties at the college, he died of smallpox. His widowed daughter, who cared for him, died a few days later leaving two children, and his widow, who came for the grandchildren, soon followed the husband and daughter to the better land. Mr. Edwards died at fifty-six, and his widow a few weeks later.

Modern sanitation, surgery, antiseptic methods, chloroform and ether are comparatively recent discoveries. Such anesthetics as the surgeons had were poor in quality and insufficient in quantity. In the camps fever was prevalent. Smallpox, measles and lesser diseases became malignant and wrought terrible ravages. Tents became more dangerous than battle-fields.

And now the father and the eldest son are dead they died suddenly of the smallpox and Doctor Grabofsky has come to inform the Count that he is the heir. There you have the story in a nutshell." "Then it is all true, after all!" cried Fischelowitz. "We all thought " "Thinking, when one knows nothing, is a dangerous and useless pastime," observed the Consul.

That first "case" was more terrible for John Cummins than for his wife, for it turned out to be smallpox, and for six weeks Meleese would allow him to come no nearer than the edge of the clearing' in which the pest-ridden cabin stood. First the mother, and then the boy, she nursed back to life, locking the door against the two husbands, who built themselves a shack in the edge of the forest.

The marks of smallpox, a heavy beard, grey hair, and solitary life had altered him beyond Charley's recognition. Jo could hardly speak. His legs were trembling under him, for now he knew that Charley Steele was himself again.

He held out his hand with applause from the crowd, but Grandois was not to be softened. His anger, however, had behind it some sense of caution, and what Carnac said about the smallpox incident struck him hard. It was the first time he had ever been hit between the eyes where John Grier was concerned.

Even the great progress in sanitation, which has successfully suppressed smallpox, the bubonic plague, and Asiatic cholera, has found the cause of and a cure for beriberi, has segregated the lepers, has helped to make Manila the most healthful city in the Orient, and to free life throughout the whole archipelago from its former dread diseases, is nevertheless incomplete in many essentials of permanence in sanitary policy.