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Updated: August 19, 2024

Have the years in which you sacrificed yourself, in which you sacrificed your son, counted no more than this? Derry felt faint and sick. "You can't mean it, Dad." "I do mean it. I am a lonely man, Derry. A disappointed man. My wife is dead. My son is a slacker " It was only the maudlin drivel of a man not responsible for what he was saying. But Derry had had enough.

Their entire attention was centered on the contents of each trap as it was pulled. Round on the edge of the circle farthest from the island a pot refused to leave bottom. Percy tugged till he was red in the face, but he could not start it. "Catch hold with me, Filippo!" he puffed. The Italian joined his strength to Percy's, but to no avail. The slacker still clung to the bottom.

He knew nothing about three-quarter work, but he had played forward ever since he had gone to the Fernhurst preparatory at ten years of age, and could always spot the worker and the slacker, which Lovelace major never could.

For the Russians know the French difficulties; and if proposals of peace come first from France, or if they see French action become slacker, they will yield nothing, and make sure of a peace which saves all their territory and reserves all their free action.... Only yesterday came the news of Omar Pasha's 5th November victory.

Their meeting-ground is the absurdity of Randall joining the army." "And Phyllis?" "She is a loyal little soul and as miserable as can be. She's deplorably in love with Randall. She has told me so. And because she's in love with a man whom she knows to be a slacker she's eaten up with shame. Now she won't speak to him To avoid meeting him she lives entirely at the hospital a paying probationer."

I had been several times in action, as the reader knows; but, then, the minutes flew: whereas, now, this combat appeared drawn out to an interminable length. I have said, an hour thus passed before we could even guess at the probable result. At the end of that time, the firing entirely ceased. It had been growing slacker and slacker for the last half-hour, but it now stopped altogether.

Peter took it off and fished it out with a spoon, and began rummaging for an egg-cup and salt and marmalade and buns in the locker beneath his window seat. Having found these things, he composed himself in the fat arm-chair to dine, with a sigh of satisfaction. "You slacker," Urquhart observed. "Well, can you come to-morrow? The drag starts at eleven."

"You're going up to the court to be examined to see whether you are a slacker or a traitor. In the one case you will be interned and in the other case you will be hanged or shot." The young anarchist was on his feet in a moment. "But, officer, aren't you going to give me a chance to enlist?" "Young man, this Government does not want traitors to enlist, nor pro-Germans."

The pace grew a little easier as we drew out into a somewhat slacker flow, and I made shift with an empty fruit-can to free the craft of water, until Grace spoke, and her words reached me brokenly through the deeper growling of the river: "Do you think there is any chance of safety?" "Yes," I answered stoutly, though it is probable my voice belied me.

And the unfortunate young woman who married a street evangelist in a fit of religious enthusiasm, and because of his promise that they would travel about the world saving souls together, had a married life both short and stormy. The so-called "slacker marriages" of the few months preceding the first draft in 1917 illustrate this point.

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