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There, right in front of him, yawned the abyss of Retribution. Alas! poor slacker. I knew him, Horatio; a fellow of infinite jest, of most excellent fancy. Where be his gibes now? How is he to cope with the fiendish ingenuity of the examiners? How is he to master the contents of a book of Thucydides in a couple of days? It is a fearsome problem.

"I can spare the time," he confided to Thompson one day. "And it's good business. I meet some pretty influential people. Why don't you spread yourself a little more, Wes? They'll be saying you're a slacker if you don't make a noise." "I don't fight the Germans with my mouth," Thompson responded shortly. And Tommy laughed. "That's a popular weapon these days," he returned lightly.

Whatever you do with your own money, you do it your own way. Don't be a slacker." Raven sat looking at her, a slow smile dawning. He rather liked Nan's taking him in hand. "That's it, is it?" he asked, with a relish she was glad to see. "A slacker! so be it. If I'm a slacker, I am. I'm a conscientious objector. What I object to is the universe, the pattern it's made on.

"I am not sure that I like it," she said, "the red and white and blue, but I wanted to see whether I could do it. And Aunt Marion doesn't care. The red things can all be taken out, and the rest toned down. But I have a feeling that a man couldn't sit in this room and be a slacker." "No, he couldn't," Derry agreed. "You'd better hang out a recruiting sign, Drusilla."

Everyone in every class of life has altered the "slacker" has turned soldier, and the burglar has become a sound, honest man. Strange it is that war, which might be expected to arouse all the animal passions in us, has done us so much good!

The Redemption of a Slacker Out on the Ohio River there is a large steel town. During the last few years many foreigners who have the Bolsheviki spirit have crossed the ocean and found work in the great shops and factories. Little by little the foreign newspapers have developed the spirit that has now ruined Russia, and is here under the American name of the I. W. W. movement.

Then the after-thirst will come and you'll have to improve other evenings, and more and more you'll lose all belief that you could ever help yourself up, you'll become slacker every day, and you'll despair of yourself more and more. Besides, it's not so dreadful as the face you makeup. See how many people never take a glass the year round, or go into a tavern.

It will be some feeling to get into khaki all right. Little Ken will be able to look the whole world in the face then and owe not any man. It's been rotten lately, since I've been able to walk without limping. People who don't know look at me as much as to say 'Slacker! Well, they won't have the chance to look it much longer."

Peter too was caught presently into the luminous circle, and stirred, and opened pleased and friendly eyes on the white night Peter was nearly always polite, even to those who woke him then, half apologetically, made as if to snuggle again into sleep, but Rodney put out a long thin arm and shoved him, and said, "It's time to get up, you slacker," and Peter murmured: "Oh, bother, all right, have you made tea?"

Adair was humiliated at being rejected by the Army because he wasn't up to physical standards. He tried every trick, but was always turned down. He didn't like to be seen about town; he felt that people were accusing him of being a slacker. He looked so well that he had always to be explaining why he wasn't in the trenches. It tried his temper.