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"Dat ole Mamie mighty vain, yessuh!" He suffered a very quiet chuckle to escape him. "She did most sutney 'sist dat I ax you ain't you like dem biscuit. She de ve'y vaines' woman in dis State, dat ole Mamie, yessuh!" And now he cast one quick glance out of the corner of his eye at Miss Betty, before venturing a louder chuckle.

Fur de time bein' de work is jes' to form de ladies' auxiliary an' git de main objec's set fo'th." "Lis'en, chile. Me, I don't aim never so long as I lives an' keeps my reason to jine no lodge w'ich don't start out fust thing by fune'lizin' de daid. Ise thinkin' now of de case of dat pore shif'less Sist' Clarabelle Hardin dat used to live out yere on Plunkett's Hill.

"A sist on a bill o' suspension," said the messenger, with a disappointed look; "I thought it would be a queer thing if ultimate diligence was to be done against sic a gentleman as Sir Arthur Weel, sir, I'se go my ways with my party And who's to pay my charges?"

'I hear tell you gwine ter sen' me ter 'struckshun, en nab my fambly, en 'stroy my shanty, sezee. "'Den Brer Fox he git mighty mad. 'Who bin tellin' you all dis? sezee. "Brer Rabbit make like he didn't want ter tell, but Brer Fox he 'sist en 'sist, twel at las' Brer Rabbit he up en tell Brer Fox dat he hear Jack Sparrer say all dis.

'Be damned if I stand this! exclaimed Haddo, casting his tobacco- pipe violently on the table, where it was smashed in pieces. 'Out of my house with ye, or I'll call for the dragoons. 'The speerit of the Lord is upon me, said M'Brair with solemn ecstasy. 'I sist you to compear before the Great White Throne, and I warn you the summons shall be bloody and sudden.

"A sist on a bill o' suspension," said the messenger, with a disappointed look; "I thought it would be a queer thing if ultimate diligence was to be done against sic a gentleman as Sir Arthur Weel, sir, I'se go my ways with my party And who's to pay my charges?"

Such measures were almost unheard of in the country, and had, years before, caused some agrarian outrages among Gordons and Camerons; these were appeased by the King over the Water, James VIII. and III. James Stewart, in April, 1752, went to Edinburgh, and obtained a legal sist, or suspension of the evictions, against Glenure, which was withdrawn on Glenure's application, who came home from Edinburgh, and intended to turn the tenants out on May 15, 1752.

But I shore aims to be at the tabernickle to-night, Aunt Dilsey I means, Sist' Dilsey. You jes' watch me. Tha's all I asts of you now jes' watch me!" Head down and shoulders hunched, in the manner of one harkening to inner voices, Jeff betook himself around the corner of the back porch. Once out of her sight, though, he flung from him his mien of absorption.

At length I said aloud to the Sheriff, "Sir, as your constables have refused to obey your orders, will you authorise me to bring Watson before you?" "By all means, Mr. Hunt, and I shall really be much obliged to you if you will aid and as sist."

She thought of herself sitting in her place in Mount Zion Church, with ole Br'er Shadrach Timmons liftin' up de tune, fat Sist' Mindy Sawyer fanning herself with a palm-leaf fan and swaying back and forth in time to the speretual, and busybody Deacon Williams rolling his eye to see that nobody took too long a swallow out of the communion cup he passed around.