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Before he was nineteen mothers were warning their sons against him, and brothers their sisters. Buzz Werner not only was tough he looked tough. When he spoke which was often his speech slid sinisterly out of the extreme left corner of his mouth.

"Smell," P. Sybarite mused aloud.... For an instant he was silent in depression. Then with extraordinary vehemence he continued crescendo: "Stupid-stagnant-sepulchral- sempiternally-sticky-Smell!" He paused for both breath and words pondered with bended head, knitting his brows forbiddingly. "Supremely squalid, sinisterly sebaceous, sombrely sociable Smell!" he pursued violently.

"Well, you mark my words, I'll get satisfaction out of you shortly, and then you'll talk on the other side of your mouth. This is business now. When that's done, why, I'll make you eat every one of those words." Bennington laughed sinisterly. He could crush the life out of this flabby ruffian with one arm, easily.

We did not care to frighten you." "I'm not frightened," said Kitty. "Nope. But we wish to the Lord you were, Miss Conover. When you want to come home, wire me and I'll motor out for you." Another fragment. Karlov's agent sought his chief and found him in the cellar of the old house, sinisterly engaged. The wall bench was littered with paraphernalia well known to certain chemists.

He bustled about, together with the Pedlar, and lent a hand in carrying the wounded man to the house of Lebrun, for Nelly Lebrun was to be the nurse of Landis. In the meantime, Donnegan went up the hill with big George behind him. Already he was a sinisterly marked man. Working through the crowd near Lebrun's gambling hall, a drunkard in the midst of a song stumbled against him.

And so, within a few minutes, all arrangements were concluded, and you behold that sinisterly intentioned little group of four assembled in the afternoon sunshine on the bowling-green behind the inn. They were entirely private, screened more or less from the windows of the house by a ramage of trees, which, if leafless now, was at least dense enough to provide an effective lattice.

"I ask for their lives not only, but for MERCY and JUSTICE to wipe out the tyranny and cruelty that are befouling all of us. I ask for a regenerated nation, purged of these vile offences." Robespierre was sinisterly serious now. The group of judges sat amazed. "Give Danton a hearing!" was the murmur among the sansculottes, half awed by his old witchery.

"As for this man, the sailor, do as you please with him, Lugur; always remembering that I have given my word that he shall join that wife and babe of his!" She laughed sweetly, sinisterly. "And now take them, Rador give them food and drink and let them rest till we shall call them again." She stretched out a hand toward O'Keefe. The Irishman bowed low over it, raised it softly to his lips.

Barrant had no doubt that Sisily had gone to her own room early in order to find an opportunity to pay a secret visit to her home, for a purpose which now seemed to stand sinisterly revealed by her disappearance. He also thought he saw the motive that vital factor in murder looming behind her nocturnal expedition. But that was a question he was not inclined to analyze too closely at that moment.

Looking at him, one is reminded of that over-swollen monster gourd which to young Nevil Beauchamp and his Marquise, as they saw it from their river-boat, 'hanging heavily down the bank on one greenish yellow cheek, in prolonged contemplation of its image in the mirror below, so sinisterly recalled Monsieur le Marquis.