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I found the Nigger seated upon the fore-bitts, whetting his knife upon a stone. There was something sinisterly suggestive about his occupation at that hour; it was the first break in the strange calm which had fallen upon the crew. "Tell me, Nigger, who's the man that's spying on the big fellow?" I said abruptly, as I sat down beside him.

Those vast, complex, interrelated organizations aiming to control and to diminish the spread of misery and destitution and all the menacing evils that spring out of this sinisterly fertile soil, are the surest sign that our civilization has bred, is breeding and is perpetuating constantly increasing numbers of defectives, delinquents and dependents.

"We must get those models," he put in, adding, "both of them the one he has and that the government has. Can it be done?" "I can get them," answered Wu sinisterly. And so, while Kennedy was drawing together the net about Wu, that wily criminal had already planned an attack on him in an unexpected quarter.

It was the only expression the occasion allowed for that passionate care for her own person which accounted for the inordinate beauty of her clothes. They were, she said to herself, using a phrase which she had always previously disliked, fair ridiculous for a woman of that age. They were, almost sinisterly, not accidental.

"Yuh'll be sum sadder if yuh don't keep yuah hooks on yuah side of the table!" warned Red, sinisterly, as he successfully repelled a similar assault on his own reserves. "Yuh moon-faced pie-eater, what yuh got to be sad about 'ceptin' thet yuh are alive?" "Why," said Woolly, with well-feigned sympathy, "don't yuh know thet Punk's hed a great sorrer?

The firelight glinted the bright, bluish barrels of the rifles on the rack, to Kate, almost sinisterly, for some of them must suggest a side of Laramie's life she disliked to dwell on yet she allowed herself to wonder which rifle he took when he armed not for elk or grizzlies but for men.

He is discarded for a gamester at all games but one and thirty , and at tables he reaches not beyond doublets. His fingers are not long and drawn out to handle a fiddle, but his fist clunched with the habit of disputing. He ascends a horse somewhat sinisterly, though not on the left side, and they both go jogging in grief together.

Make thick my blood, Stop up the access and passage to remorse; That no compunctious visitings of nature Shake my fell purpose, nor keep peace between The effect and it! Come to my woman's breasts, And take my milk for gall, you murd'ring ministers!" When Macbeth announces, "Duncan comes here to-night," she asks sinisterly, "And when goes hence?" Macbeth: "To-morrow as he purposes."

The story-teller raised his eyes and laughed sinisterly. "I don't see where that comes in." "And you never caught him?" "No. Not yet." "He died of thirst in the desert, maybe, he and the little one." "That's what we thought at the time, but I don't believe it now." "How so?" "Well, I've crossed his trail since then. No. Gaylord is alive to-day, and so is the girl.

For the king of Portugall was sinisterly informed, that our ships were armed to his castle of Mina in those parties, whereas nothing lesse was ment.