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He was frankly puzzled, enormously surprised and not a little startled. The afternoon had been at first amusing, then interesting then utterly boring. Evelyn's chatter had put him in a state of mental coma a lethargy from which he had been rudely aroused at sight of William Barker leaving the residence of Evelyn Rogers' sister. There was something sinisterly significant in what he had seen.

"Death Valley," ordered Red Bill briefly, swinging himself into the saddle. Peggy guessed that the sinisterly named place must be their destination. Amid the maze of pinnacles, minarets and spires of the desert range the horsemen forged slowly forward.

All night the wretched beast dragged himself along the gutter mewing hoarsely, while Madame Raquin wept over him almost as much as she had done over Camille. Therese had an atrocious attack of hysterics, while the wailing of the cat sounded sinisterly, in the gloom below the windows. Laurent soon had further cause for anxiety.

Now, see if you can do this one thing and not get balled up. If you fail, I'll make you answer to me." "Why don't you get the troops?" ventured Voorhees. "If there's one thing I want to avoid, it's soldiers, either here or at the mines. When they step in, we step out, and I'm not ready for that just yet." The receiver smiled sinisterly.

But when I dreaded it, she began to come, and do what I would, oppose to her what hardness I could, she could be so sinisterly dreadful and unkind that it was like a knife in me. Try to shut her out as I might, she would force her way in and make me suffer. Why? Why did she want to?... I will tell you what I believe. Some women feel their beauty to depend upon their power to create suffering.

They called him Napao Wetikoo the man-devil. This was under their breath a name whispered sinisterly in the glow of tepee fires, or spoken softly where not even the winds might carry it to the ears of Bush McTaggart. They feared him; they hated him.

There were small carefully powdered lines at the tails of Aileen's eyes and at the corners of her mouth. At the same time she seemed preternaturally gay, kittenish, spoiled. With her were two men one a well-known actor, sinisterly handsome, a man with a brutal, unclean reputation, the other a young social pretender both unknown to Berenice.

And weird, weird beyond all telling was that exquisite head and bust floating there in air and beautiful, sinisterly beautiful beyond all telling, too. So even might Lilith, the serpent woman, have shown herself tempting Adam! "And perhaps," she said, "perhaps I want you because I hate you; perhaps because I love you or perhaps for Lugur or perhaps for the Shining One." "And if I go with you?"

The bear, at pause in her circlings while she snuffed at the bars that now separated her from her cubs, whirled and lifted herself awkwardly upon her haunches, her narrow head thrust forward sinisterly as she faced this fresh annoyance.

That desert flower of a day, in its isolation and fragility, yet its unquenchable spirit to live, was as great to me as the tremendous reddening bulk of the Funeral Mountains looming so sinisterly over me. Then I saw some large bats with white heads flitting around in zigzag flights assuredly new and strange creatures to me.