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An' each time we chins with the Signorita there's them two locoes steppin' and sidle'n' around her, actin' that silly-like that me and Ally Bazan takes an' beats our heads agin' the walls so soon as we're alone just because we're that pizen mortified.

To blazes wi' sooveneers! An' she dragged me awa' to a shop, an' I had to buy her a silly-like wee tie that cost me eichteen-pence-ha'penny; an' then she wanted a lang ride on the caur, an' that burst fivepence; an' she nabbed the remainin' bawbee for a keepsake. The reciter paused as if from exhaustion. 'Hurry up! said Macgregor encouragingly. 'What did she gi'e you? 'A kiss up a close!

"That visit to the morgue was enough to give anybody the blind staggers." Her pamphlet was tight in her hand. "You ain't mad at me, Charley?" He stroked her arm, and the taste of tears found its way to her mouth. "I'm feeling so silly-like to-night, Charley." "You're all in, kiddo." In the shadow he kissed her. "Charley, you you mustn't, unless we're engaged."

As for Mrs Gray, it is unnecessary to say that she was the most complete slave of all Zoe's abject subjects, and the neighbours all agreed that she was downright silly-like over that little, brown-faced brat as was no better no, nor nothing to hold a candle to my Johnnie, or Dolly, or Bobby as the case might be.

She come, an' we did our best. But arter a month he got up plump crazed an' silly-like. He died back ther' in Forks soon after." Arizona paused significantly. Then he went on. "No, sir, ther' ain't bin a feller put in that bunk sense, fer they ain't never gotten pore Dave's blood off'n it. Say, ther' ain't a deal as 'ud scare us fellers, but we ain't sleepin' over a crazy man's blood."

"'Wot! cries Hardenberg, sort of mystified, 'Oh, I'm sure a-dreamin'! he says, just that silly-like. "'An' the mugs we've got! says Strokher. "An' they both sets to swearin' and cussin' to beat all I ever heard. "'I can't let her see me so bunged up, says Hardenberg, doleful-like, 'Oh, whatever is to be done? "'An' I look like a real genuine blown-in-the-bottle pug, whimpers Strokher.

And in all that time father and me, we couldn't make too much of her, me being that thankful to the Lord that He had let our dear come back to us; and never a word did she say to me of him that had been her ruin. But one night when I asked her, silly-like, and hardly thinking what I was doing, some question about him, father down with his fist on the table, and says he

They came to my room and they looked into all my drawers and boxes except my little hat-tin, and when they wanted the key of that, I said, silly-like, not having any idea that they could think that I could do such a thing, 'I'd rather you didn't look into that. It's only some things I don't want any one to see.

Didn't you know the difference yourself?" "I never tasted it," said Anne. "I thought it was the cordial. I meant to be so so hospitable. Diana got awfully sick and had to go home. Mrs. Barry told Mrs. Lynde she was simply dead drunk. She just laughed silly-like when her mother asked her what was the matter and went to sleep and slept for hours. Her mother smelled her breath and knew she was drunk.

"'Good! says I, more to be agreeable than because I had any 'special interest 'how're you goin' to do it? "Then he laughed, silly-like, and winked at me. I didn't say no more, but the next night he talked again. "'What do you think, he says; 'I see my wife to-day ridin' up Fifth Avenue behind the swellest pair o' horses in New York City. No wonder she shook me for that.