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"Hout," exclaimed another of these discording counsellors, "there's nae great skill needed; just put a lighted peat on the end of a spear, or hayfork, or siclike, and blaw a horn, and cry the gathering-word, and then it's lawful to follow gear into England, and recover it by the strong hand, or to take gear frae some other Englishman, providing ye lift nae mair than's been lifted frae you.

In they times, ye ken, sir, it wes aye the fashion to wear large bonnets o' Tuscan straw, an' a lassie o' foorteen wes surely auld enough for siclike I said to mysel'. So when the priest cam' to oor hoose aince, I made sae bold as to get him to ask my faither to buy me a bonnet for Sundays, next time he went to the toon o' Aberdeen.

I jist gaed to the coachman and gart him put his horses tu, and tak his denner wi' him, and m'unt the box, and drive straucht awa til Aberdeen, and lea' the carriage whaur I boucht it, and du siclike wi' the horses, and come hame by the co'ch. As he ended the sad tale, he glanced up at Kirsty, and saw her regarding him with a look such as he had never seen, imagined, or dreamed of before.

"Wha am I? wha suld I be, but Meg Murdockson, and wha suld my bairn be but Magdalen Murdockson? Your guard soldiers, and your constables, and your officers, ken us weel eneugh when they rive the bits o' duds aff our backs, and take what penny o' siller we hae, and harle us to the Correctionhouse in Leith Wynd, and pettle us up wi' bread and water and siclike sunkets."

I might have put it, 'In the King's name, but what I meant was that we are to proceed in decency and order no unseemly rabbling, scuffling, or mischief making otherwise ye have me to reckon with. Let no word of ghosts and siclike be heard. The case is infinitely more serious " "Hear to Jocky wi' his langnebbit words!" whispered Boyd Connoway in my ear. "Infinitely more so, I say.

"Ilka man, wuman, an' bairn o' them," answered Malcolm. "And what sort are they?" "Siclike as ye micht expec'." "That's not a very luminous answer." "Weel, they're nae waur nor ither fowk, to begin wi'; an' gien this hauds, they'll be better nor mony." "What sort are their leaders?" "Guid, respectable fowk, my lord." "Then there's not much harm in them?"

"What for that, Maister Robertson?" "'Cause there's so mony o' them whaur human herts oucht to be. Come awa, doggie!" he added, rising. "To think I sud be nice whaur my Lord was sae free!" "Ay," returned the minister, "and he was jist as clean as ever, wi' mony ane siclike as her inside the heart o' him!

"Am trenching up the sparry-grass, and am gaun to saw some Misegun beans; they winna want them to their swine's flesh, I'se warrant muckle gude may it do them. And siclike dung as the grieve has gien me! it should be wheat-strae, or aiten at the warst o't, and it's pease dirt, as fizzenless as chuckie-stanes.

But I ken what Sir Thomas wants very weel it was just sic and siclike about the seat in the kirk o' Kilmagirdle was I not entitled to have the front gallery facing the minister, rather than Mac-Crosskie of Creochstone, the son of Deacon Mac-Crosskie, the Dumfries weaver? Mannering expressed his acquiescence in the justice of these various complaints. 'And then, Mr.

"Am trenching up the sparry-grass, and am gaun to saw some Misegun beans; they winna want them to their swine's flesh, I'se warrant muckle gude may it do them. And siclike dung as the grieve has gien me! it should be wheat-strae, or aiten at the warst o't, and it's pease dirt, as fizzenless as chuckie-stanes.