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When it came to the question of starting out again, he found it less easy than he had anticipated. "Ye'll nae think o' leavin' this hoose the nicht!" the old man declared, when, after his supper and a pipe, Bonar touched on the subject. "It's an impossibeelity for ony mon as disna' ken the hill yon to find his wye up or doon in siclike weather," Jock added grimly.

But of siclike least said soonest mended. I take cloak and sword, and follow with his lordship and two other experienced cavaliers unto the place of rencontre, being a waste croft whereon a loon was herding goats, behind the Palace of the Luxembourg. Here we find waiting us four soldados, proper tall men of their hands, who receive us courteously.

"An' isna that siclike as the Lord wad hae o' 's, Grizzie? We canna aye be bairns to oor mithers an' for me I wasna ane lang but we can an' maun aye be bairns to the great Father o' 's." "I hae an ill hert, I doobt, Cosmo, for I'm unco hard to content.

It's no that aften they want onything o' me ayont the fair words a' God's craturs luik for frae ane anither, but whiles they do want me, and I'm thinkin they want me the nicht. I maun be gaein! 'Hoots, laddie! returned his mother, 'what can they be wantin, thae gran' offishers, o' siclike as you? Sit ye doon, and bide till they cry ye plain. I wud fain hae ye safe i' the hoose the nicht!

Croftangry had grown a rich man in foreign parts, and was free of his troubles with messengers and sheriff-officers, and siclike scum of the earth, and Shanet MacEvoy's mother's daughter be a blithe woman to hear it. But if Mr. Croftangry was in trouble, there was his room, and his ped, and Shanet to wait on him, and tak payment when it was quite convenient."

"What for," moaned Marion, "was the hert o' a mither put intil me? What for was I made a wuman, whause life is for the beirin o' bairns to the great Father o' a' gien this same was to be my reward? Na, na, Lord," she went on, checking herself, "I claim naething but thy wull; and weel I ken ye wouldna hae me think siclike thy wull!"

But I ken what Sir Thomas wants very weel it was just sic and siclike about the seat in the kirk o' Kilmagirdle was I not entitled to have the front gallery facing the minister, rather than Mac-Crosskie of Creochstone, the son of Deacon Mac-Crosskie, the Dumfries weaver? Mannering expressed his acquiescence in the justice of these various complaints. 'And then, Mr.

"Muckle siclike 's yersel', my lord!" answered Grizzie; "no that muckle wit but I might hae mair, to guide my steps throuw the wilderness ye wad mak o' no an ill warl'." "Are you aware, woman, that you have made yourself liable to a heavy fine for trespass? This field is mine!" "An' this fitpath's mine, my lord made wi' my ain feet, an' I coonsel ye to stan' aside, an' lat me by."