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"To-morrow, at sunrise, she shall die as a blasphemer, this daughter of Sheitan the Evil One," continued the holy men. "What saith the Mudir?" cried a tax-gatherer. "The Mudir himself shall see her die at sunrise," answered the chief of the Ulema. Shouts of hideous joy went up. At that moment the woman's eyes met Dicky's, and they suddenly lighted.

"But what his purpose was when he spied upon and bribed my army I know not. Yet, it shall be said, he has held Harrik back Harrik, my brother. Son of Sheitan and slime of the Nile, have I not spared Harrik all these years!" "Hast thou proof, Effendina?" "I have proof enough; I shall have more soon. To save their lives, these, these will tell. I have their names here." He tapped the papers.

Beresford like medieval knights and modern children at their devotions and addressed her thus: "Daughter of light, he who basks in your beams said to himself, 'The pirates are upon us, those children of blood, whom Sheitan their master blast for ever!

It is the order of the general that you open with your guns here, to distract their attention." "Will it please you to represent to the general that we have fought this evening, and that half my gunners are killed. The fire of the sons of Sheitan is too strong for us. Your excellency will see the ground is covered with our dead.

He ran down to the river like a man possessed of the Sheitan himself." There was another long pause. "He may get drowned," suggested Lakamba at last, with some show of interest. "The floating logs are many," answered Babalatchi, "but he is a good swimmer," he added languidly. "He ought to live," said Lakamba; "he knows where the treasure is." Babalatchi assented with an ill-humoured grunt.

"I know, it matters not how at last a letter found me, and the way of escape that thou goest again to the Soudan. There will be fighting there " "Not by my will," interrupted David. "Then by the will of Sheitan the accursed; but there will be fighting am I not an Arab, do I not know? Thou hast not conquered yet.

'Your people are brave and very wise, though they cannot stand against the power of the Mahdi. But were you Sheitan himself, it would be nothing to me. You have saved my son's life. You are the honoured guest of my house.

So when a saheb goes home to his country for a wife, he must take what he can get." "It is a question of destiny," says Lalla, "with them and with us. My first wife, who can tell how meek she was? She never opened her mouth. My present wife is such a sheitan that a man cannot live under the same roof with her. I have sent her to her country ten times, but what is the use? Will she stay there?

The master thought for a moment, and asked again, "Are you sure there was no water in the pail before the milking began? these people are very cunning." "They are as cunning as sheitan, your lordship, but I made the man turn the pail upside down and shake it."

Each day life flickered more uncertainly in the great gaunt frame; and on the morning when Chundra Sen, with a dapper little doctor, set his face towards Darkót, Zyarulla, kneeling beside his unheeding master, bowed his head upon his hands. "It is the will of God," he muttered. But the formula carried no conviction to his heart, that whispered rather: "It is the work of Sheitan, the accursed."