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Only because it is its property to be always thus, does mankind so highly prize this activity. If men really were called to the service of others through artistic work, they would see in that work only obligation, and they would fulfil it with toil, with privations, and with self-abnegation.

For the band of brilliant men who surrounded him and championed his doctrines Spencer, Huxley, Lyall, Hooker, and others one feels nothing more personal than admiration; unless the eloquent and chivalrous Huxley the knight in shining armor of the Darwinian theory inspires a warmer feeling. Darwin himself almost disarms one by his amazing candor and his utter self-abnegation.

All the pathos of that simple petition, all its abiding faith in God's goodness and wisdom, all its utter self-abnegation and absolute confidence in a life beyond the grave, came back, and all the consolation that feeling surely held for the old and poverty-environed soul who uttered it impressed him in sharp contrast to the doubting "mebbe mebbe" of Uncle Terry.

Her outer manner seems, indeed, to reflect what we have ventured to call the gray tones of her life, and a certain weariness of routine breaks out even in the mechanical precision of her existence. Power, in the parochial as in the domestic circle, is bought by her at the cost of a perpetual self-abnegation, and it is a little hard to be always hiding the hand that pulls the strings.

And while he still hung in indecision, still hesitated as to whether this or that were the Kingdom of God this shrinking dream of a world sufficient to itself, or this brightening vision then the last light had come, and he had seen one to be victor by sheer self-abnegation, by contempt of his own life, by the all but divine power of an ordinary man walking in grace.

Unless, my friend," he said, suddenly turning toward me in an excess of chivalrous self-abnegation, "unless you shall yourself take my place. Behold, I gif them to you! I vamos! I vanish! I make track! I skedaddle!"

He clung to her and said in a sweet voice, "I love you, madame, and want you to love me, too!" "I love you, sire," cried Josephine, "and shall pray God every day to preserve you to your father to your parents," she corrected herself with the self-abnegation of a true woman.

She slept peacefully and happily with the red, pulsing planet over the hemlock shining faithfully upon her. The next day she reappeared before her parents with a cloudless face and a willingness to make such amends as could be brought about without too much self-abnegation. In the broad light of day the mother could not hold to the horrors of the evening before.

There was something in the simple, honest self-abnegation of this wealthy and important person that won the respect of all he met. The broker's stern eyes softened a bit as he gazed and he allowed a fugitive smile, due to his own change of attitude, to wreathe his thin lips again just for an instant. "Sit down, please, Mr. Merrick," he requested, and rather reluctantly Uncle John resumed his seat.

She did not think of applying submission and self-abnegation to her own life, for she was accustomed to seek other joys, but she understood and loved in another those previously incomprehensible virtues. For Princess Mary, listening to Natasha's tales of childhood and early youth, there also opened out a new and hitherto uncomprehended side of life: belief in life and its enjoyment.