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Sie muessen so freundlich sein, und verzeih mich die interlarding von ein oder zwei Englischer Worte, hie und da, denn ich finde dass die deutsche is not a very copious language, and so when you've really got anything to say, you've got to draw on a language that can stand the strain.

And this concludes the poem. What is the central point from which this poem can be regarded? It does not seem to be very hard to find. Novalis has said: "Die Philosophie ist eigentlich Heimweh, ein Trieb ueberall zu Hause zu sein." He wants to know where he is, and where he ought to be and can be; for, rightly considered, the position a man ought to occupy is the only one he truly can occupy.

She tried to imagine him without the house and the family, not talking or joking or pretending... alone and sad... despising his family... needing her. He loved forests and music. He had a great strong solid voice and was strong and sure about everything and she need never worry any more. "Seit ich ihn gesehen Glaub' ich blind zu sein."

The idea of squealing like a little pig at the window into the street! Fie upon him! And Karl pulled him away from the window by his coat, and it is true, Mr. Captain, he tore sein rock. And then he shouted that man muss pay him fifteen roubles damages. And I did pay him, Mr. Captain, five roubles for sein rock. And he is an ungentlemanly visitor and caused all the scandal.

Several passages of comment or comparison testify to the then current admiration of Yorick, and the conventional German interpretation of his character; “sein gutes, empfindungsvolles Herz, mit Tugend und sittlichem Gefühl erfüllt.” The review is signedSr:”

'She is here.... I want to see her. 'You shall see her, Yevgeny; but first we must have a little talk with the doctor. Bazarov glanced at the German. 'Well, talk away quickly, only not in Latin; you see, I know the meaning of jam moritur. 'Der Herr scheint des Deutschen mächtig zu sein, began the new follower of Æsculapius, turning to Vassily Ivanovitch.

Erik resolved to wait for daybreak, and then disembark his passengers if it should prove necessary. He, therefore, contented himself with firing a cannon to ask aid from the inhabitants of the Island of Sein, and with dispatching his small steam launch to L'Orient.

Son cuer ne doit estre de glace, Bien que elle ait de Neige le sein.

The mountains of Austrian Tyrol were to them "die Alpen seines Vaterlandes," and the song with the refrain, "Lieb Vaterland muss grösser sein" echoed from the rocks, "My beloved Fatherland must be greater"; may not this be the expression of a noble patriotism? But it so easily turns to "my country must have more, must take more," and becomes the very watchword of greed.

Ruskin, in a lecture on the relation of Art to Morals, calls attention to a note which Durer made on some drawings sent him by Raphael: "These figures Raphael drew and sent to Albert Durer in Nurnberg, to show him his hand, 'sein hand zu weisen." Ruskin compares this phrase with other contests of hand-craft, Apelles and Protogenes showing their skill by drawing a line; Giotto in striking a circle.