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Morris rose leisurely to his feet and pulled a large cigar from his pocket. "If that's the way you feel about it, Mr. Kronberg," he said gently, "schon gut. I wouldn't bother you any more. At the same time, Mr. Kronberg, if ever you should want to sell the house, y'understand, let me know; that's all."

In the center, where Tushin's battery stood and from which Prince Andrew was surveying the position, was the easiest and most direct descent and ascent to the brook separating us from Schon Grabern. On the left our troops were close to a copse, in which smoked the bonfires of our infantry who were felling wood.

It was all that remained of Morris Perlmutter's gift and Uncle Mosha carefully knocked the ash off before he put it in his mouth. "Why don't you answer me?" Aaron asked. "I got to think, ain't I?" Uncle Mosha mumbled as he paused to light up. He puffed away in silence until they had nearly reached the entrance to Sammet Brothers' place of business. "Schon gut, Aaron," Uncle Mosha said at length.

"It makes one wonder, doesn't it," she conjectured pleasantly, "to which type one belongs oneself?" In this welcome shifting from the abstract to the understandably personal, old Reinhardt saw his opportunity. "Ach, womens, beautifool and goot womens!" he cried in his thick, kindly voice. "Dey are abofe being types. To every good man, dey can be only wie eine blume, so hold and schön "

They found a place in the red-table-cloth end of the pavilion at Pupp's, and were served by the pretty girl with the rose-bud mouth whom they had known only as Ein-und-Zwanzig, and whose promise of "Komm' gleich, bitte schon!" was like a bird's note. Never had the coffee been so good, the bread so aerially light, the Westphalian ham so tenderly pink.

Wanda came to my door and banged on it with what sounded like a saucepan, and I daresay was, for she wouldn't waste time leaving off stirring the pudding while she went to open the front door, and she called out very loud, "Der Herr Offizier ist schon wieder da." All the flat must have heard her, and so did Herr von Inster.

He walked shyly and awkwardly over the parquet floor of the reception room, not knowing what to do with his hands; he was more accustomed to walk over a plowed field under fire, as he had done at the head of the Kursk regiment at Schon Grabern and he would have found that easier.

As soon as a thought has found words it no longer exists in us or is serious in its deepest sense. When it begins to exist for others it ceases to live in us; just as a child frees itself from its mother when it comes into existence. The poet has also said: "Ihr m�sst mich nicht durch Widerspruch verwirren! Sobald man spricht, beginnt man schon zu irren."

"Schon fleissig?" * said Rostov with the same gay brotherly smile which did not leave his eager face. "Hoch Oestreicher! Hoch Russen! Kaiser Alexander hoch!" * said he, quoting words often repeated by the German landlord. * "Busy already?" * "Hurrah for the Austrians! Hurrah for the Russians! Hurrah for Emperor Alexander!"

These great reforms were chiefly to be traced to Stein, although Hardenberg and others, like Schön and Niebuhr, had a hand in them. Stein also opened the military profession to the citizen class, which before was closed, only nobles being intrusted with command in the army. It is true that nobles still continued to form a large majority of officers, even as peasants formed the bulk of the army.