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Montagu gave me the paper, and I cherish it as my dearest memorial of my erring but noble schoolboy friend. Knowing how strong an interest Mr. Rose always took in Eric, I gave him a copy of these verses when last I visited him at his pleasant vicarage of Seaford, to which he was presented a year or two ago by Dr. Rowlands, now Bishop of Roslyn, who has also appointed him examining chaplain.

It is situated at Montrose, on the lake-like shores of Hempstead Harbor, near the village of Roslyn, Long Island, a spot noted for its beauty and healthfulness. Size of building, 44 by 38 feet. The floor laid with encaustic tiles, with ceiling groined, and walls finished in imitation of stone in the sand coat.

Roslyn had a very bright as well as a dark side, and Eric enjoyed it "to the finger-tips." School-life, like all other life, is an April day of shower and sunshine. Its joys may be more childish, its sorrows more trifling than those of after years; but they are more keenly felt. And yet, although we know it to be a mere delusion, we all idealise and idolise our childhood.

Already many a professor from some far-away university had accepted his invitation to give of his best to the granite men of Maine. Rarely had they found a more fitting or appreciative audience. "How divine!" he murmured to himself, his eyes dwelling lovingly at the same time his pencil was making notes on the 'Prentice Pillar in Roslyn Chapel.

To the right lay the town, with its grey old castle, and the mountain stream running through it into the sea; to the left, high above the beach, rose the crumbling fragment of a picturesque fort, behind which towered the lofty buildings of Roslyn School. Eric learnt the whole landscape by heart, and thought himself a most happy boy to come to such a place.

Nor did she care to see her guests slighted. "Father Roslyn has treated her shabbily. She suggested a booth at his bazaar, offered to fit it up herself and to bring the gentry to buy. She was snubbed: 'neither your money nor your company. You must set that right, Sydenham," said she. "He shall weep tears of brine for it," answered the Captain cheerfully.

They've taken the Van Alstyne place at Roslyn, and I've got CARTE BLANCHE to bring my friends down there the more the merrier. They do things awfully well, and there's to be rather a jolly party there this week " she broke off, checked by an undefinable change in Miss Bart's expression. "Oh, I don't mean YOUR particular set, you know: rather a different crowd, but very good fun.

"Yes; but he exemplifies the truth 'chassez le naturel, il revient au galop' for he was charged with abetting a street fight between two boys, which very nearly ended fatally. However, he was penitent, and Graham got him off with wonderful cleverness." "Ah!" said Montagu, sighing, "there was one who would have been the pride of Roslyn had he lived Poor, poor Eric!"

Cheerfulness and unanimity began to prevail once more at Roslyn, and Eric had the intense happiness of seeing how much good lay still within his power. So the Easter holidays commenced with promise, and the few first days glided away in innocent enjoyments.

And so talking, the four went in, and the two elder went to their study. It was too true that drinking had become a common vice at Roslyn school. Accordingly, when Eric came in with Wildney about half an hour after, Owen and Montagu heard them talk about ordering some brandy, and then arrange to have a "jollification," that evening. They got the brandy through "Billy."