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Updated: August 18, 2024

"Rappelez-vous," me dit-il en souriant, "que l'Academie des Sciences Morales a sa part dans l'honneur que vous venez de recevoir." Fort repandu, fort apprecie dans le monde, il menait de front ses travaux litteraires, ses devoirs de juge, ses relations sociales, ses excursions; son activite etait extraordinaire.

Lord Vincent is, I understand, at Paris: though very tiresome with his learning and Latin, he is exceedingly clever and repandu; be sure to cultivate his acquaintance. "If you are ever at a loss as to the individual character of a person you wish to gain, the general knowledge of human nature will teach you one infallible specific, flattery!

En ce temps le brigandage était répandu. Une nuit qu'il se rendait de Berkeley

Notwithstanding the shock this occasioned to the affectionate heart and aspiring temper of our friend Paul, it abated not his ardour in that field of science which it seemed that the distinguished absentee had so successfully cultivated. He had now become a young man of extreme fashion, and as much repandu in society as the utmost and most exigent coveter of London celebrity could desire.

She wanted him to be a dandy, répandu in society, a member of the Coaching Club, well known at Prince's, at Hurlingham, at Lord's; sought after by dowagers; intimate with royalties; she would not have seriously resented a reputation for a little wickedness, provided he erred in the right direction with people of the blue blood, that is to say and the scandal did not go too far.

Suppose you sit next to one of these, how pleasant it is, in the intervals of the banquet, actually to abuse the victuals and the giver of the entertainment! It's twice as PIQUANT to make fun of a man under his very nose. 'What IS a Dinner-giving Snob? some innocent youth, who is not REPANDU in the world, may ask or some simple reader who has not the benefits of London experience.

Lord Vincent is, I understand, at Paris: though very tiresome with his learning and Latin, he is exceedingly clever and repandu; be sure to cultivate his acquaintance. "If you are ever at a loss as to the individual character of a person you wish to gain, the general knowledge of human nature will teach you one infallible specific, flattery!

Notwithstanding the shock this occasioned to the affectionate heart and aspiring temper of our friend Paul, it abated not his ardour in that field of science which it seemed that the distinguished absentee had so successfully cultivated. He had now become a young man of extreme fashion, and as much repandu in society as the utmost and most exigent coveter of London celebrity could desire.

Then there was something grandiose in the frank bourgeois style wherewith he expanded his napkin and twisted one end into his waistcoat; it was so manly a renunciation of the fashions which a man so repandu in all circles might be supposed to follow, as if he were both too great and too much in earnest for such frivolities.

Cet article inspire par un bienveillant sentiment envers lui et ma famille en general, met dans un brillant relief les services que mon fils vient de rendre a son pays d'adoption. Cela a donc ete pour moi une extreme satisfaction que de le voir place en premiere ligne dans le journal le plus repandu du monde.

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