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And yet the village lies not very far away, close to the Maros; the small, low, hemp-thatched houses scarcely peep above the sea of tall-stemmed maize, only the white-washed tower of the church with its red-painted roof stands out clear and abrupt against the sky. And now the sharp, cracked sound of the Elevation bell breaks the silence of the summer's morning.

Then Mother Graymouse drew up the five little red-painted stools in a row. She sat down before them in her rocking chair with little squirming Squealer upon her knees. She gave him a stick of pink candy to suck, so he would stop squealing while she talked. "It is very painful," she began slowly, "but I see that I must teach you some lessons this morning.

He was all out of breath, he told me, with the pushing and striking, and held on to the red-painted barrier with both hands. The King stooped and whispered with at cardinal, who was plucking him by the sleeve, for the space of a paternoster, and the murmuring began to break out again. Then he turned, and lifted his hand once more for silence. "What are the tidings, sir?"

They sat the grave little Carson in the red-painted wagon, with his doll held tightly to his heart, and began to haul him about. Tintoretto, who had dragged off an alphabetical block, was engrossed in the task of eating off and absorbing the paint and elements of education, with a gusto that savored of something that might and might not have been ambition.

There he saw ploughs and harrows of the latest pattern, and was suddenly reminded that for a long time he had been thinking of getting a new reaper. Gazing fondly at his good-looking son, he pictured him sitting on a fine, red-painted reaper, cracking his whip over the horses, and mowing down the thick, waving grass, as a war hero mows down his enemies.

Arrived at the location of the memorial post, Sanna was the first to notice that it stood no longer there. They went up to the spot and saw that the round, red-painted post which carried the picture was lying in the dry grass which stood there like thin straw and concealed the fallen post from view.

He saw Powhatan lean forward and give a sign; then the red-painted face of his executioner leered at him and he watched the tomahawk descending and instinctively closed his eyes. But it did not descend. After what seemed an hour of suspense he opened his eyes again to see why it delayed.

Just as the boy was about turning toward the school-master, he espied, near the hearthstone close beside him, sitting on a little red-painted box, Marit with the many names; she had hidden her face behind both hands and sat peeping out at him. "I will sit here!" cried Oyvind, promptly, and seizing a lunch-box he seated himself at her side.

More than once, as they pressed on, the old, red-painted section-house rose before them, a very haven. Behind, the squat shack was gradually lessening in size. A jutting corner had already shut from view its crippled sentry. There was little conversation. Marylyn, for a time, could not dismiss the subject that had confronted her at the start.

Up at the Trust's headquarters Willis Marsh was in a fine fury. As far as possible, his subordinates avoided him. His superintendents, summoned from their work, emerged from the red-painted office on the hill with dampened brows and frightened glances over their shoulders.