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I suppose if God were to find He had made a mistake in dates or something, and went back and annihilated everybody from Owen onwards who was in any way known as a Socialist leader or teacher, Socialism would be exactly where it is and what it is to-day a growing realisation of constructive needs in every man's mind, and a little corner in party politics.

The facts seem to be merely that wishing generally depends upon ignorance, and is therefore commoner in regard to the future than in regard to the past; that where a wish concerns the future, it and its realisation very often form a "practically independent system," i.e. many wishes regarding the future are realised.

Lady Landale no doubt felt for the miserable wretch in the benevolence of her heart. Imagination aiding her, she realised suddenly the horror of his death throes, and this vivid realisation was followed by the actual simulacrum of the torture. We have seen hysterical subjects simulate in the same manner diverse diseases of which they themselves are organically free, such as epilepsy, or the like.

The heavy odour of burning flesh came drifting up to his nostrils. His sanity returned to him. "God have mercy upon me!" he cried. "O God! what have I done?" He knew the thing below him, save that it still moved and felt, was already a dead man that the blood of the poor wretch must be boiling in his veins. An intense realisation of that agony came to his mind, and overcame every other feeling.

To achieve that means a realisation of my dream, namely, to fly in the air, to approach the sky, and have under one's feet the moist, down-like clouds. Ah, how interested I was in my friend's researches! One day, though, he came to me very much excited with a new discovery. "I have discovered something about which I am wild with delight!" he said.

The children of the poor leave school at fourteen years of age, just the time when the children of the wealthier classes are beginning to understand the necessity of education and to work with a clearer realisation of the value and aim of lessons.

Its realisation, in ideal love, represents the author's Crown of Life. The wise man who said that Beautiful Woman was a heaven to the eye, a hell to the soul, and a purgatory to the purse of man, could hardly find a more copious field of illustration than in the fiction of George Gissing.

To decide whether an ideal can be or will be fulfilled we must examine the physical relation between such organic forces as that ideal expresses and the environment in which those forces operate; we may then perceive how far a realisation of the given aims is possible, how far it must fail, and how far the aims in question, by a shift in their natural basis, will lapse and yield to others, possibly more capable of execution and more stable in the world.

To stand there and talk of love! Ah that is what must make God angry, and I feel for Him." Paul noticed that she spoke as if she had no realisation of the lives of lesser persons who might possibly wed because they were "mated" as well not for political reasons or ambition of family. Her keen senses divined his thought. "Yes, beloved, you would say ?"

There is no certain realisation of the truth to startle, perhaps affright, her, no doubts to depress her, no jealous fears to torture her heart only a vague, delicious feeling of gladness, a pleasant rose-tinted glow to brighten life and warm her heart. The fierce, devouring flames come later.